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  • Establish and Register Your Clergy Credentials

    Licensed Christian Wedding Officiant

    Welcome to the Licensed Wedding Officiant Recognition Class!


    Completing this class establishes and registers your ordination or clergy credentials. This Wedding Officiant Recognition Class is the final step towards being recognized as a licensed wedding officiant with the Christian Leaders Alliance.



    You need one recommendation or a level-one endorsement regarding your suitability for this officiant role. This endorsement step is essential to establish credible credentials. This endorsement can come from your spouse, the bride, a friend, or a minister.


    The United States and most countries around the world recognize this Christian Wedding Officiant clergy certification, enabling you to officiate weddings. The Christian Leaders Alliance website directory will publicly showcase your profile as a testament to your credentials.

    Complete your credentialing as a Licensed Wedding Officiant and enjoy these benefits:


    1. This Wedding Officiant program includes actual training. It's the first credential offered by a recognized ministerial organization known as the Christian Leaders Alliance. Unlike most online licensing or ordination websites that simply provide a piece of paper declaring you as clergy, our program involves coursework and recommendations.
    2. This Wedding Officiant Program will prepare you to be confident and competent in positively impacting couples and their ceremonies. Weddings often offer an opportunity to spread the love of Jesus Christ.
    3. Upon completing this Recognition class, you will receive your Licensed Christian Wedding Officiant credentials, which will be posted on the Christian Leaders Institute global graduate directory. You can also purchase your Licensed Wedding Officiant Credentials; for more details, click here.
    4. Government officials can verify your status as a licensed clergy member.
    5. After completing this program class, you can register a soul center, providing you with a geographic location and mailing address if needed. This may be necessary in some places to serve as a legal wedding officiant.
    6. You will be introduced to the world of ministry training and may discern whether you want to continue with more training and additional credential levels. You are also allowed to add specializations to your credentials.


    • Submit one recommendation or confirm that you have a level-one endorsement with the Christian Leaders Alliance.
    • Update your profile to convey your story and your passion for being a wedding officiant.

  • Assignment One - Update Your Student Profile

    Your student profile will become your publicly posted clergy profile at the Christian Leaders Alliance Directory. Your well-written profile communicates your competency and confidence as a clergy member. Please upload a quality picture as well.  As a licensed Christian wedding officiant, government officials will potentially look you up to confirm that you are authorized to perform weddings.

    Your profile will be assessed when your recommendation is evaluated and given a pass/fail grade. Please proofread your profile. 

  • Assignment Two- Submit Your Recommendation

    In preparation for a License as a Christian Wedding Officiant, you need to reach out to one Christian endorser. This can be: 

    • The couple you plan to marry.
    • A ministry leader or a Mentor Minister.
    • Your spouse or a friend.
    • A non-family member that knows you and respects you.

    We recommend using the following script:

    "Why do you think my walk, temperament, character, and calling show that I am called to be a ministry leader?" 

    Once they respond, copy and paste their response into the next assignment. 

    It is required that you include their name, contact information, and what their relationship is to you (spouse, mentor, mentor minister, long-time friend, fellow church member, pastor, etc.).

  • Assignment Three - Final Quiz

  • Order Your Official Licensed Wedding Officiant Credentials