Biblical Wisdom: Understanding Life through Old Testament Sages and Poets

Two helpful resources to consider for further study:

Wayne Brouwer, Hear Me, Oh God: Meditations on the Psalms

Wayne Brouwer, Covenant Documents: Reading the Bible Again for the First Time


#1 Understanding the Place and Purpose of Wisdom Literature within the Biblical Canon


We seek meaning to four critical questions:

  • Origins - How did we get here?
  • Unity - What holds life together (coherence)?
  • Purpose/Meaning - Why are we here?
  • Destiny - What happens when we die? What will be the fate of the universe?


There are three root cosmological options:

  • Closed System Naturalism

All meaning is confined to the system

The system operates by natural law, cause & effect

Evolution may produce change, but not transcendence

Where "life” exists, purpose is survival

  • Closed System Intelligent Design

There are two organizing properties:

"Time” - ensures process that moves in only one direction

"Life” - mysterious creative force that powers the universe

These two together form the impersonal design we call God

The meaning of "life” is to go with the flow, not against it

  • Creator/Creature Interactive System with Dynamic Purpose

The world was created as a home for humankind

Humanity reflects God's character, is meant for multiple relationships

Freedom, necessary for true love and relationships, allowed the entrance of evil, which the Creator responded to redemptively


There are three root cosmological options:

  • Closed System Naturalism

Origin: steady state evolutionism, perhaps initiated with Big Bang

Unity: shared history

Purpose: survival, if possible

Destiny: recycle material substance and energy to keep system running

  • Closed System Intelligent Design

Origin: steady state evolutionism, perhaps initiated with Big Bang

Unity: the intelligence that runs the system, keeping it all together

Purpose: enhance the expression of "Life,” add to its experiences

Destiny: recycle material substance and energy to keep system running

  • Creator/Creature Interactive System with Dynamic Purpose

Origin: Creator brought all into being

Unity: common design source and divine purpose

Purpose: enhance human capacities to reflect Creator's relational character and multiply creative activity

Destiny: live well, share creative activity, love God and others, join in renewing creation debilitated by evil, resurrect to eternal life where these purposes will be perfected and ongoing forever


Hebrew Bible review: "TaNaK”

  • "Torah” ("Law/Covenant”):

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

"The Five Books of Moses”/"The Pentateuch”

  • "Navi'im” ("Prophets”):

"Former Prophets”: Joshua, Judges, Kings

"Latter/Writing Prophets”: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, "The Twelve”

  • "K'tuvim” ("Writings”):

Ruth, Chronicles, Ezra-Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, Song of Songs, Daniel


Bible "Big Picture”

  • Covenant Making - God establishes a covenant relationship with a missional community by way of a redemptive act (primary revelatory authority based upon direct encounter)


  • Covenant Living - God guides the covenant relationship with the missional community by way of authorized spokespersons (secondary revelatory authority based upon unique individual calling & equipping)

Joshua - Possessing the Land/Rest/Promise

Judges - Nearly losing the Land/Rest/Promise

Ruth - Recovering Covenant Land/Rest/Promise through obedience

"Kings” - Establishing the Covenant Monarchy & Temple, coming under Covenant judgment

Ezra-Nehemiah-Esther - Restoring the Covenant Community

  • Covenant Questions - God nurtures the covenant relationship with a missional community by way of spiritual wisdom and insight (tertiary revelatory authority based upon communal spiritual insight)



Introductory Notes: 
"Wisdom Literature"

  • Probes human issues, problems, needs, values
  • Usually anonymous
  • Assumes a divinely initiated "moral matrix”
  • Assumes human sin and responsibility
  • Often expressed in poetry
Last modified: Thursday, August 9, 2018, 8:39 AM