Ordination Expectations

By Henry Reyenga

What Do People Expect In An Ordination Certificate?

Many believers want to know that you have had a credible preparation for ministry. 

  • Must Have a Christian Leaders Award - Christian Basics or above.
  • Recommendations of Three Endorsers.
  • Cards, Documents, and Papers.
  • International Registration.


  1. A Place of Credibility – A School and Local Leaders recommend you.  
  2. The Academic Competency.
  3. The Calling and Confirmation of Calling.
  4. Connected to the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Ordination Type

Deacon Minister

  • Men and women in the order of Stephen (Acts 6:5) and Phoebe (Romans 16:1-2). 
  • Early church understanding of ministry offices.
  • Recognized by the United States as a religious organization chartered to educate and ordain leaders.

Recognition of Ordination

  • The general population and government officials will recognize the ordination.
  • A large number of churches and organizations.
  • Churches with closed ordination structures will not accept this or any other ordination except those approved by their leaders.
  • The implications of the Christian Leaders Alliance Directory. 

Última modificación: martes, 1 de diciembre de 2020, 08:20