

Mutation: a permanent change in the sequence of DNA
Point mutation: a change in a single nucleotide
Frameshift mutation: a genetic mutation caused by a deletion or insertion in a DNA sequence that shifts the way the sequence is read.

Chromosomal Mutations

   Deletion: When a segment of DNA is lost, so there is a missing segment in the chromosome. These       usually result in many genes missing from the chromosome.
   Duplication: When a segment of DNA is repeated, creating a longer chromosome. These usually
      result in multiple copies of genes in the chromosome.
   Inversion: When a segment of DNA is flipped and then reattached to the same chromosome.
   Insertion: When a segment of DNA from one chromosome is added to another, unrelated
   Translocation: When two segments from different chromosomes change positions.

Modifié le: lundi 13 août 2018, 08:36