
Asexual Reproduction: Reproduction involving a single parent.

Sexual Reproduction: Reproduction involving two parents.

Gamete: Reproductive cells.

Haploid: Cell having only one chromosome of each type.

Diploid: Cell having two of each type of chromosome (twice the amount of chromosomes in haploids).

Fertilization: Process in which two gamete cells unite.

Zygote: A fertilized cell (the result of fertilization).

Melosis: Cell division where the number of chromosomes is cut in half (results in haploids).

Gametogenesis: Process where haploid cells become gametes.

Crossing-Over: When genetic information is exchanged between homologous chromosomes.

Independent Assortment: When cells divide in meiosis, each individual chromosome is separated randomly and independently.

最后修改: 2018年08月13日 星期一 08:33