It’s all about making disciples.

“Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations …”

—Matt. 28:19


•     Not just about making profit

•     Not just about local church programs

•     Not just about making converts


What does “making disciples” look like in the business world?

•     Christian discipleship is about becoming more like Jesus and helping the world around us to look more like Jesus as a result.


“For as the waters fill the sea, the earth [including the marketplace] will be filled with an awareness of the glory of God [Jesus Christ].”

—Hab. 2:14

“Imitate me as I imitate Christ.”

                                               —1 Cor. 11:1





What does Jesus look like in the business world?

“There is one body, but it has many parts. But all its many parts make up one body. It is the same with Christ.” —1 Cor. 12:12


•     A “spiritual gift” is a special ability given by the Holy Spirit through a born-again Christian to the people of God for the purpose of spreading the awareness of the glory of God throughout the earth.





Examples of Spiritual Gifts

•     Administration   

•     Apostleship         

•     Compassion       

•     Connecting         

•     Creativity

•     Cross-Cultural Ministry

•     Discernment       

•     Encouragement 

•     Evangelism         

•     Faith

•     Giving

•     Hospitality          

•     Knowledge         

•     Leadership         

•     Miracles & Healing

•     Pastoring 

•     Intercessory Prayer

•     Prophecy

•     Service    

•     Teaching 

•     Tongues / Interpretation

•     Wisdom   

•     Worship


What do spiritual gifts look like in the business world?

How can I discover and surrender my spiritual gifts?

•     Take the assessment.

•     Get feedback from other members of the Body of Christ.

•     Cultivate spiritual fruit to fuel your gifts.

最后修改: 2019年05月28日 星期二 11:45