Steve Elzinga

Planning is about …

Figuring out a progression of steps that lead to a desired accomplishment or outcome over time

Why do people need help planning what they decided to do?

- Lack of patience 

- Many are not gifted at breaking down a desired outcome into logical, sequential steps necessary to accomplish it.

- Many are too optimistic about how much time it takes to accomplish a desired goal 

- No disciplined process to figure it out

How does coaching help people plan out what they have decided to do?

- Slows the planning process down

- With the help of planning models the coach can help the client figure out the steps involved in trying to reach a goal

The 3 basic model categories

- Pre-planning

- Brainstorm breakdown

- Commitment

Brainstorm plans of action models:

First step only model

- The client has already chosen his action goal. The coach could simply asks the client to say what his first action step is towards achieving his chosen goal.

- What?

- When?

- Where?

- Why?

Mud on the wall model

- The client is not really sure where to start in organizing a plan to reach his action goal but is willing to try a few things in the hope of eventually figuring it out..

- What?

- When?

- Where?

- Why?

Shotgun model

The client is not really sure where to start in organizing a plan to reach his action goal so he starts by randomly writing down possible actions steps that might contriute to reaching his goal.

Linear sequence model

- The client is ready to figure out all the steps that are necessary to reach the desired end action goal. Each step has its own What? When? Where? And How?

- Step one:

- Step two:

- Step three:

- Step four:

Mining vs. Searching for gold model

- When you mine for gold you already know where the gold is. You just have methodically go after it. When you search for gold you plan as you go. Of course you still need to answer What? When? Where? How? Why?

- Step one:

- Step two: Dependent on what happens with Step one.

- Step Three: Dependent on what happens with Step two.

Research vs. Learn as you go model

- If the client is not sure what kind of plan is needed for his desired action goal then he can either adapt a “learn as you go” model or he must do some research. If he chooses to do research then he needs a plan to do that. 

- First step only model

- Mud on the wall model

- Linear sequence model

Solo vs. Team Model

The client’s plan is contingent on who could possibly help or not.  

Modifié le: lundi 26 juin 2023, 11:03