Constructive Communication

Ron Carter

Constructive Communication

What have you learned throughout your life about constructive communication?

Have different settings or situations required different communication approaches?

Constructive Communication

Why is constructive communication important to the performance of a group? 

What real-world barriers prevent healthy communication even among people who have a compelling need or desire to work well together? 

Constructive Communication

From Debate to Dialogue


Polite Discussion

Skilled Discussion


Constructive Communication


Definition: To beat down and argue with an unmovable point of view

Goal: To win

Benefits: Gets multiple positions on the table, looks at all points of view to make a point

Limitation: Produces winners and losers

Constructive Communication

Polite Discussion

Definition: To beat around and keep things at a surface level

Goal: To avoid threat or discomfort

Benefits: Allows space and time to develop the relationship and build trust

Limitation: Important things don’t get said

Constructive Communication

Skilled Discussion

Definition: To seek and tell the truth; to plan and problem solve

Goal: To act effectively together

Benefits: Produces good decisions and plans; maximizes group productivity 

Limitation: Requires everyone’s commitment

Constructive Communication


Definition: To let meaning flow through us; solve complex problems together where uncertainty or differences of opinion exist, all to deepen shared understanding and wisdom 

Goal: To deepen shared understanding and wisdom

Benefits: Helps everyone to understand complex situations and differing positions well, leading to deeper understanding, respect and action

Limitation: Takes more time and more commitment

Constructive Communication

Summary - What have we learned? 

Constructive communication is essential to group performance.

Communication approaches are varied.

There are benefits and limitations for each communication approach.


Modifié le: mercredi 31 octobre 2018, 10:02