Types of Anger

Anger issues definition


Anger is a natural, instinctive response to threats. Some anger is necessary for our survival.


Anger becomes a problem when you have trouble controlling it, causing you to say or do things you regret.


A 2010 study Trusted Source study found that uncontrolled anger is bad for your physical and emotional health. It can also quickly escalate to verbal or physical violence, harming you and those around you.

Learn more about identifying your triggers and managing your anger below.

What causes anger issues?

Many things can trigger anger, including stress, family problems, and financial issues.

For some people, anger is caused by an underlying disorder, such as alcoholism or depression. Anger itself isn’t considered a disorder, but anger is a known symptom of several mental health conditions.

The following are some of the possible causes of anger issues.


Anger can be a symptom of depression, which is characterized as ongoing feelings of sadness and loss of interest lasting at least two weeks.

Anger can be suppressed or overtly expressed. The intensity of the anger and how it’s expressed varies from person to person.

If you have depression, you may experience other symptoms. These include:



    loss of energy

    feelings of hopelessness

    thoughts of self-harm or suicide 

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder that’s characterized by obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior. A person with OCD has unwanted, disturbing thoughts, urges, or images that drive them to do something repetitively.

For example, they may perform certain rituals, such as counting to a number or repeating a word or phrase, because of an irrational belief that something bad will happen if they don’t.

A 2011 study Trusted Source found that anger is a common symptom of OCD. It affects approximately half of people with OCD.

Anger may result from frustration with your inability to prevent obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors, or from having someone or something interfere with your ability to carry out a ritual.

Alcohol abuse

 Research shows that drinking alcohol increases aggression. Anger is a contributing factor in approximately half of all violent crimes committed in the United States.

Alcohol abuse, or alcoholism, refers to consuming too much alcohol at once or regularly.

Alcohol impairs your ability to think clearly and make rational decisions. It affects your impulse control and can make it harder for you to control your emotions.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder marked by symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, and or impulsivity.

Symptoms usually start in early childhood and continue throughout a person’s life. Some people are not diagnosed until adulthood, which is sometimes referred to as adult ADHD.

Anger and short temper can also occur in people of all ages with ADHD. Other symptoms include:


    problems focusing

    poor time management or planning skills 

Oppositional defiant disorder

 Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a behavioral disorder that affects 1 to 16 percent of school-age children. Common symptoms of ODD include:


    hot temper


Children with ODD are often easily annoyed by others. They may be defiant and argumentative.

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that causes dramatic shifts in your mood.

These intense mood shifts can range from mania to depression, although not everyone with bipolar disorder will experience depression. Many people with bipolar disorder may experience periods of anger, irritability, and rage.

During a manic episode, you may:


    be easily agitated

    feel euphoric

    have racing thoughts

    engage in impulsive or reckless behavior

During a depressive episode, you may:


    feel sad, hopeless, or tearful

    lose interest in things once enjoyed

    have thoughts of suicide


Intermittent explosive disorder

A person with intermittent explosive disorder (IED) has repeated episodes of aggressive, impulsive, or violent behavior. They may overreact to situations with angry outbursts that are out of proportion to the situation.

Episodes last less than 30 minutes and come on without warning. People with the disorder may feel irritable and angry most of the time.

Some common behaviors include:


    temper tantrums



    physical violence

    throwing things

People with IED may feel remorseful or embarrassed after an episode.


Anger is one of the stages of grief. Grief can come from the death of a loved one, a divorce or breakup, or from losing a job. The anger may be directed at the person who died, anyone else involved in the event, or inanimate objects.

Other symptoms of grief include:








Anger issues symptoms


Anger causes physical and emotional symptoms. While it’s normal to experience these symptoms on occasion, a person with anger issues tends to experience them more often and to a more severe degree.

Physical symptoms


Anger affects different parts of your body, including your heart, brain, and muscles. A 2011 study found that anger also causes an increase in testosterone levels and decrease in cortisol levels.


The physical signs and symptoms of anger include:

    increased blood pressure

    increased heart rate

    tingling sensation

    muscle tension




There are a number of emotions that go hand in hand with anger. You may notice the following emotional symptoms before, during, or after an episode of anger:







    feeling overwhelmed


Anger can manifest itself in a number of different ways. Not all anger is expressed in the same way. Anger and aggression can be outward, inward, or passive.


    Outward. This involves expressing your anger and aggression in an obvious way. This can include behavior such as shouting, cursing, throwing or breaking things, or being verbally or physically abusive toward others.

    Inward. This type of anger is directed at yourself. It involves negative self-talk, denying yourself things that make you happy or even basic needs, such as food. Self-harm and isolating yourself from people are other ways anger can be directed inward.

    Passive. This involves using subtle and indirect ways to express your anger. Examples of this passive aggressive behavior include giving someone the silent treatment, sulking, being sarcastic, and making snide remarks.

Do I have anger issues?

You may have anger issues if:

    you feel angry often

    you feel that your anger seems out of control

    your anger is impacting your relationships

    your anger is hurting others

    your anger causes you to say or do things you regret

    you’re verbally or physically abusive


Anger issues management


If you believe your anger is out of control or if it’s negatively affecting your life or relationships, consider seeking help from a mental health professional. 

A mental health professional can help determine if you have an underlying mental health condition that’s causing your anger issues and requires treatment.

Anger management can also include one or more of the following:


    relaxation techniques

    behavioral therapy

    depression, anxiety, or ADHD medications, if you’re diagnosed with any of these conditions

    anger management classes, which can be taken in person, by phone, or online

    anger management exercises at home

    support groups 


Anger is a normal emotion, but if your anger seems out of control or is impacting your relationships, you may have anger issues.

A mental health professional or Clergy member can help you work through your anger and identify any underlying mental health conditions that may be a contributing factor. With anger management and other treatments, you can get your anger under control.

from https://www.healthline.com/health/anger-issues

Última modificación: lunes, 8 de junio de 2020, 09:28