Officiating a Funeral Ceremony

Henry Reyenga

Big Picture

The funeral is more about the living and grieving.

Types of Death Factors

There is not a one size fits all funeral message or ceremony.

Interviews Matter

Death does create opportunities to find out about the deceased.

Look for:

Life Themes

Common Experience

Endearing Qualities

Examples of Faith

Do not:

Preach someone into heaven. When evidence of faith exists, do share it. 

Joke about struggle areas of the deceased.

Talk long about your experience with the deceased.

Use the message to “preach” at someone in the audience.

 “Happy talk” 

Go longer than 15-20 minutes unless that is the local expectation. 

Write Out Your Message

Funeral Messages are usually written out:

Helps with your emotions.

Keeps you from happy talk.

Helps you evaluate the words chosen for the occasion. Get feedback before you give the message.

Helps you with not forgetting to mention a name.

Helps you get the story right.

Helps you feel more confident.

When Writing the Message as a Christian Officiant or Minister…

Three key factors to consider in writing the message:

The Audience

The Deceased

The Biblical Comfort

Your message brings content that includes these three sources.

The Audience

Each audience is different and each funeral presents a different challenge. You will never get this perfectly. 

Family in conflict? Envy? At Peace? Was the deceased love by all, hated by some, ignored by others? 

Culture of the family? Type of death? A person of impact? 

In many ways this is the most challenging factor!

The Deceased

In your interviews, did you fine an angle? 

Check out the sample message in your reading. 

Life of generosity

Discerning and wise person

Faithful father or mother

Thoughtful child who loved life

The Biblical Comfort

The Bible is filled with the stories of lives lived that may connect to themes of the deceased (Check sample message). 

Make sure the gospel comfort is weaved in:

Jesus defeated death

God forgives sins

God is here for us when we hurt – God of all comfort

Heaven is now the dwelling place of the deceased.

We will meet again in the sweet by in by.  

The Ceremony Elements
 (local customs apply)

Welcome and Prayer

Reading of the official obituary

Sharing Scripture Passages


Family or Friend Memorials





Brief Graveside Ceremony


Share a Scripture such as 1 Corinthians 15:42-44    So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.

Brief Graveside Ceremony

Apostles Creed (if appropriate)

Say the Apostle’s Creed together (have the words written out and passed out for those who attend, if needed). 

Brief Graveside Ceremony

As the body is lowered or buried, say:

We commit (name) body to be sown as perishable. We wait for the resurrection day when this body will raise from the dead a spiritual body. 

Brief Graveside Ceremony


Lord’s Prayer 

Doxology or other familiar song that most may know, like Amazing Grace.

最后修改: 2020年05月5日 星期二 09:26