Writing is as process; ideally, you will give yourself enough time to draft an essay and then return to it to revise the overall content and structure of the piece, as well as to proofread for stylistic and grammatical issues. Use the following guidelines and checklists as a guide to self-editing your writing.


  •   Take a break. Giving yourself a bit of distance from the writing will help you see your work from a fresh perspective.

  •   Read aloud. You'll be surprised how different your writing sounds than it looks. Hearing it aloud will make awkward phrasings and redundancies more apparent to you, and will help you catch missing or repeated words.

  •   Ask a friend for help. A new reader can offer insight on your content, and can catch mistakes you've overlooked.

  •   Personalize your proofreading. Review your instructor's comments and any notes from your appointments at the Writing Center, and pay attention to which errors you commit frequently. Learn to recognize and fix them, and then proofread with a specific eye toward these errors.

  •   Revise the big stuff first. It might be tempting to skim through quickly, just looking for typos, but if you're serious about doing well, you should revise first, considering the ways you might re- structure your essay or make your argument more logical and effective. When you're confident in the essay's content, move on to editing the smaller stuff, like spelling and grammar. Move down the checklist on the back more or less in order, from higher order concerns to lower order con- cerns. If you correct spelling and grammar first and then find you have to rewrite entire para- graphs anyway, you'll have wasted time.

A Note for ESL Writers

It may not be helpful for you to read aloud or hear your own writing. Experiment with different proofreading techniques to see what works best for you. You can prac- tice correcting commonly made errors here in the Writing Center, but it would also be helpful for you to find a writing partner who is a native speaker. S/he can help you proofread for mistakes with article usage, for example, which do not always follow predictable rules.


Self-Editing Checklist
*If you are unfamiliar with any of the terms used below, ask a writing tutor to explain

or see our collection of Handouts, which can be found in the center and on our website.

Overall Content

  •   Have you reread the assignment to make sure you've answered all parts adequately?

  •   Is your thesis clear, specific, and arguable? Does it provide a straightforward outline for the rest of the


  •   Is the tone and language of your assignment appropriate for the intended audience?

  •   Do body paragraphs have topic sentences that summarize the main point and content of the para-

    graph and correspond to the thesis statement?

  •   Do you use concrete details and examples to support your claim AND explain how that evidence sup-

    ports your claim?

  •   Do you use effective transitions to move between paragraphs and ideas? Readers shouldn't have to

    make their own jumps in logic; use transitions and topic sentences to guide them through the paper.

    Sentence Structure

  •   Have you varied sentence structure and length?

  •   Have you reviewed each sentence to eliminate run-ons, fragments, and comma splices?

  •   Are parallel ideas expressed in parallel form?

  •   Have you eliminated dangling, unclear, or awkward modifiers?

  •   Have you tried to eliminate wordiness by removing unnecessary words such as a lot, or really?

    Grammar and Usage

  •   Do all verbs agree with their subjects? Double check long, complex sentences.

  •   Do pronouns have clear and correct referents?

  •   Have you eliminated any unintentional or incorrect shifts in tense?

  •   Is your paper properly punctuated? Review usage rules, especially for semi colons, if you're at all un-


  •   Are all quotes and paraphrases properly introduced and explained? Are they correctly cited both within

    the text and in a Works Cited or References page?

  •   Is all spelling correct? Be especially careful of homonyms like your/you're, to/too/two and there/their/



    In general, you should strive for direct, concise, and precise writing.

  •   Have you replaced "to be” verbs (be, been, is, are, were, was) with stronger, active verbs?

  •   Do you use passive voice only where appropriate (such as in scientific papers), relying instead on active

    voice to increase directness?

  •   Have you eliminated jargon, slang, clichés, and euphemisms in favor of more precise language?

  •   Have you eliminated repetition and redundancies? Read each sentence and ask yourself if it introduces

    a new information, ideas, or analysis. If it is simply restating old information, rewrite it or delete it. 

Connors Writing Center Dimond Library 329 . UNH 

Modifié le: lundi 13 août 2018, 09:31