Henry Reyenga


  1. Christian Leaders Institute Training Method works well with mentors
  2. Correspondence training is beamed to you on your individual path.
  3. You find someone in your interest area to connect with who is further down the path.
  4. This thinking could be applied to all levels of education and most topics.

Training Method 

  • This brings the method of the church into the education realm – each person is on his/her own “correspondence” journey.
  • You recruit your mentor team if you do not already have one in place.
  • The Holy Spirit mentors and guides each believer.
  • Everyone Needs a Mentor

Acts 4:36  Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, whom the apostles called Barnabas (which means Son of Encouragement)…

A Mentor’s Call

What motivates a mentor? A mentor is motivated to build a culture by investing in the lives of leaders with great potential. Mentors are motivated to help others because they love the culture they are helping to reproduce and expand.

Everyone Needs To Be In A Mentor Culture

We have invited Christian Leaders Institute students to welcome mentors into their lives. These mentors know the student or leader. If an existing pastor who is experienced comes into CLI for more training, we still encourage them finding mentors.

Everyone Needs To Be In A Mentor Culture

What does a Christian mentor do?

Mentors are self-aware about their calling to build local Christian culture. In fact, they intuitively look for opportunities to help people fit in or make an impact. These mentors know that God is calling them to invest in the lives of potential difference makers.

Everyone Needs To Be In A Mentor Culture

Mentors Are Seen To Be Encouraging.

Mentors are recognized as leaders who notice those who need encouragement. Barnabas was seen that way. In fact, when he was first mentioned in the Bible by name in Acts 4:36, we see that the apostles had already changed his name from Joseph to Barnabas, which actually means “Son of Encouragement.”

Everyone Needs To Be In A Mentor Culture

Mentors are generous with resources.

Mentors are not stingy. They take their resources of time and money and bring them to the feet of Jesus. Barnabas was generous with his resources. The second thing we read about him in the Bible is that he sold a field to help others in need (Acts 4:37).

Everyone Needs To Be In A Mentor Culture

Mentors will make connections.

Mentors will introduce students into opportunities. They leverage who they know to help new leaders get opportunities for ministry. Barnabas did this to the point of taking a risk with Saul after Saul was first called by Jesus. We read in Acts 9:27 that Barnabas took Saul to the apostles even though everyone else was afraid of Saul.

Everyone Needs To Be In A Mentor Culture

Mentors are promoters.

Mentors appropriately and publicly build up the potential leader. Mentors talk that leader up. Mentors tell positive stories about potential leaders. These potential leaders do not threaten their mentors; their mentors want them to succeed.

Everyone Needs To Be In A Mentor Culture

Mentors stay connected in ministry.

Ministry capital is ultimately about leaders partnering together and building a culture that honors Christ. Those who go before students, later work with those very students. Mentors really stay connected with their potential leaders even after they have left the preparation stage and are now ministering.

Everyone Needs To Be In A Mentor Culture

Mentors desire to become less.

An effective mentor is looking for people who will exceed them in impact. They will invest and encourage leaders to be their best for God.

Everyone Needs To Be In A Mentor Culture

Mentor and “Mentored” not afraid of doing their own thing.

The relationship of the Mentor and the “Mentored” can change even as circumstances change. Paul and Barnabas parted company over a disagreement. I am so glad this stayed in the Bible. Sometimes a sponsor and the one who is sponsored disagree about something.

Mentors Connect Students With Ministry Capital

Mentors will connect students in a culture so that they will be able to more effectively minister in that culture. Mentors will play an important role in connecting students to the people, expectations, and opportunities for effective ministry.

Ministry Training Expectations And Social Capital

The elements of building Christian capital must include a self-aware discussion of what makes a Christian culture sustainable for generations. I also find the topic of ministry training fascinating in relationship to how that training functions within a specific people group.

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最后修改: 2020年12月17日 星期四 10:07