Mentor Centers

Henry Reyenga

Mentor Center Culture

Historical example:

Francis Asbury, a great Methodist leader, recruited men like bi-vocational minister Richard Allen and many others in his mentor center. When they were new into ministry, he provided them with the intellectual training needed.  (Continued)

Mentor Center Culture

When new Christian Leaders were looking for ministry opportunities, he guided them and promoted them to fulfill their calling and make the greatest possible impact.

The story of Richard Allen is notable for many reasons. World Council of Churches estimates the membership of the AME (African Methodist/Episcopal) Church at around 2,500,000, with 3817 pastors, 21 bishops, and 7000 congregations. 

Mentorship Driven Christianity

1 Timothy 3:14    

Although I hope to come to you soon, I am writing you these instructions so that, if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.

Mentor Center Concept

Ministry Mentor Centers are where local ministries, organizations, and churches offer local gathering points. These geographic touch-points will make the campus of Christian Leaders Institute physically spread throughout the world.

Mentor Center Concept

Imagine the strength of the worldwide movement of Christianity, if ANY local church, ministry, or Christian-led ministry or organization created a mentorship environment.

The New Paradigm Shift

Colleges, Bible schools, and seminaries have typically been geographically locked down to one location, with maybe a few satellite campuses.

This new paradigm offers new partnerships in local areas.

The New Paradigm Shift

Christian Leaders Institute brings high-quality Christian correspondence courses and low-cost credentials.

 A generosity-supported movement

Organizations bring mentorship, connections, and opportunities.

Types Of Mentor Centers

Study Centers, Young Christian Leaders clubs, Elder/Deacon training studies, Home Schools, Christian High Schools, Post-Prison Training programs, Women’s Ministry training centers, Men’s Ministry leadership groups, Bi-vocational leaders training as businesses or churches and Life Coach Minister led organizations.

Endless possibilities!

Romans 16 Mentor Center Culture

Imagine that you are the apostle Paul and you have spent your life mentoring leaders and creating mentor centers where leaders are being developed and churches are being planted. You, like the apostle Paul, may be able to write a letter with a chapter like Romans 16 someday to those you have participated with in raising them up as leaders for revival.

Modifié le: dimanche 6 septembre 2020, 19:30