Video Transcript: Gospel Presentation (Henry Reyenga)

Hi, my name is Pastor Henry Reyenga. Today I'm going to talk about becoming a Christian. A Christian is someone who believes in Jesus Christ, who confesses their sin before God out of that belief, and who receives Christ Jesus into their heart, who, from now on, would walk with God in Jesus Christ. No, that seems like a lot of stuff to do. But it's really quite simple. Humans like you and me. We're born into sin, our first parents have a need, we've sinned before God, and that sin is still something inside of us. The justice of God in eternal justice says this: when someone sins someone pays. Now what humans like to do is we like to pay ourselves, we like to somehow say, we're good enough on our own. We can save ourselves. But the Bible says that we cannot save ourselves. We need the Savior. God gave a gift to humanity, in giving his own Son, Jesus Christ, who lived on this earth, lived perfectly. He was crucified. He died was buried, but he rose again from the dead. That's the Christmas and the Easter story. He was born in this world. He lived in this world. He was crucified but he rose again from the dead. From Christmas to Easter, we celebrate the life, death, resurrection of Jesus Christ. But there is cosmic significance in Jesus coming to this earth. Jesus was born the Son of God, he lived fully God, but also fully man. He died. When he died, he took upon himself our sin. That's what the Old Testament was about when it came to the sacrificial system, that when someone sins someone pays, lambs, goats, sheep, they were sacrificed. That sins would be covered. When Jesus died, he was sacrificed. Our sins were placed on Jesus, by God the Father. When God looks at you, if he sees you in Christ, he sees you spotless. Your sins are covered. But Jesus also rose from the dead, and that's the other cosmic significance. Death was defeated, and those who believe in Jesus will live forever. That is the gospel, the gift of God: you cannot save yourself. God must save you in Christ. Now what happens is you are now reconnected to God, even though you are still a sinner and you will always have a sinful nature, that nature is not your whole story. Now you have a new nature. You've been born again, if you believe in Jesus with your whole heart, and everything changes. You are on an adventure with God that lasts not only in this life, but for all eternity. how do you become a Christian? You believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. First, you confess your sins before God. 

You receive Christ into your heart. You walk with God in this adventure by opening God's word, by praying by having this connection on a regular basis by connecting to a local church, a Bible believing church that supports and feeds that walk with God. right now, real briefly, I'm asking you to pray with me a simple prayer. If you pray in your heart, this simple prayer, God will hear this prayer and you will become a Christian. Let us pray. 

Lord Jesus, I pray that you will come into my heart. I believe in you. I believe you are the Son of God. I confess my sin it is great. I know that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and I have sinned, and I cannot save myself now by any works or anything I can do. I truly receive you Jesus, as my Lord and Savior. Come dwell into my heart. I promise to walk with you on a new adventure. To open your word to pray. I ask that you will fill me with your Holy Spirit. For I pray this in Jesus name. In your name Jesus, Amen. If you prayed that prayer with me with your whole heart, you are saved. You are changed forever.

最后修改: 2021年06月29日 星期二 08:04