CLI Graduate Tanya Thompson's Testimony

I accepted Christ at an early age, at the age of 12. We were always in church and around the church. But I came to a point in life where I realized there was something more, and I gave myself to Christ at the age of 12 years old at revival. 

I tell you, I was in a marriage that was riddled with domestic violence. It even came to a point where I was not able to even go to church anymore because he was afraid that people would see the different aspects of the abuse or whatnot. Seeing my daughter go through-- she was never physically struck or anything-- but just her watching me have to go through the domestic violence and just seeing the way it was affecting her. We say we're tired, but when you're really tired, you do something different. And so, I made that step to break away, and I never looked back.

So, once I finally broke free, I told the Lord, if you can just get me out of this and help me to endure, that I would go ahead and I would use the gift that he's given me. Because I always knew there was something inside of me, but I needed more training and whatnot. So, I was surfing the internet one night, and I came across CLI. I was really amazed. I was amazed, first of all, that you could take free ministry training. It wasn't just fly by night. It was actually good, quality courses from quality instructors and professors. And all of the material that you would need to succeed was right there, provided for you. So, I was blown away.

I attended women's conferences, being a speaker at a women's conference, being able to minister within the community to young girls and women, written books after being able to study a little bit more in-depth on different topics in the Christian community. So, it's like, you name it, it's like God is just opening door after door after door. I'm doing a lot of domestic violence outreach and homeless outreach ministry and just being able to have something to fall back on to show that CLI is showing me the Word, and I'm able to retain it and then use it when needed.

Right now, I've just finished the associate's program. I'm already working on the bachelor's degree courses. I would like to transfer over to one of the universities that we're in partnership with to seek a master's degree and even higher if possible. 

I would say if you can't do something every day, at least every other day, but try to stay on course. Sometimes, you may get overwhelmed. Just follow that syllabus. And if you have questions, just ask questions. But whatever you do, don't give up. Just keep striving, and I promise you, you'll make it.

Последнее изменение: понедельник, 1 августа 2022, 12:30