Francis Chan endorses Christian Leaders Institute.

I remember, like, 15 or 20 years ago, I thought to myself, man, I think I want to just go around and film the best professors and just have them teach classes and then put it all online somehow or give it out. I think back then, and it was DVD sets. I was, like, why wouldn't we just do that and offer it to people? But the thought of curating all of that material was kind of overwhelming for me. But in my mind, I was always thinking, why wouldn't someone do that? And so, when I heard about Christian Leaders Institute, I got excited that I didn't have to do the work but that something like that was made available. 

Because we've got to be more forward-thinking and creative and figure out how we can keep people in the local church where they're serving, where they're in the community, and where they're reaching out to their neighbors and educating them there in the context of serving in the local church, so they don't have to fly out someplace, spend a fortune, and then come back. 

And even in my own experience, I felt like I isolated myself from the world for a while to go to seminary and to get educated. And that was a weird process. If I could do it all over, I wish I could have just stayed in the world and stayed working a job and learned while I was actually practicing it. And so, I get excited about what Christian Leaders Institute is doing because I feel like it gives you that opportunity. You get to learn the Word of God while you practice it in the context of your local church.

Última modificación: lunes, 1 de agosto de 2022, 12:35