One of the things that God has used for generation, every generation is mentorship,  reproducible Christianity, where people received insight now is the gospel, which is at core, a  new life. They became leaders. And then they transferred Christianity generation after  generation for generation, long before computers, long before the printing press, often by  word of mouth. Because those who were being mentored the ones before us, mentor us,  those those new Christian leaders then became the mentors of another generation of  Christianity. I mean, that is the whole setup of Christianity in many ways in terms of its  organizational structure. Everyone is a mentor if you are a Christian leader. I Thessalonians  5:11, Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing  what I find so interesting, there is just as in fact, you are doing other words, here's the  underlying leadership assumption. Everyone is part of the body. Everyone has gifts. The  culture is an encouragement, culture. Those who are being reached, ultimately reach others,  those who are being trained, ultimately train others, those who are being mentored ultimately mentor, others, powerful culture. So today, I want to encourage you to take responsibility for  your role. Three, everyone is an image burden of God who is worth your time in that moment,  people will see an elitist heart, they will sense if you only talk to them, if you have a hidden  agenda. I learned that God has a plan in every relationship he puts in your life. This is a  difficult concept, to believe at the core of your heart years sinews of your brain, your  synapses, but it is God's way. It is what Jesus did. He comes to the earth, he picks disciples,  he has an attitude of proclaiming the kingdom of God to everyone. And God uses than the  disciples to be the mentors of others. In fact, Jesus Christ says, It's good that I become less,  and you will do greater things than me. Take your role in that concept in that place. The fact  is, is servant minister, Deacon, mentors have reproduced Christianity. So be that servant  leader. If you think Christianity and Christian leadership is about being a title, and authority  leader, if that's just what it is, you're in the wrong place. II Timothy 2:23, do not have anything to do with foolish or stupid arguments, because you know, they produce quarrels. And the  Lord servant must not serve it must not be quarrelsome, but must be kind to everyone able to teach, not resentful. What we see here is the attitudes of service. Create stages for others,  mentors, create stages for others to do well. Jesus Himself said to his disciples, anyone who  wants to be first must be the very last in the servant of all people since if you have their best  interest in mind, or your own, have an attitude of recruitment, recruit everyone. But when you find leaders, train them well, leaders are the key to building anything sustainable. If you want  to build a movement, look for leaders and give them them the encouragement they need to  succeed. I love how Jesus had that attitude of recruitment and even times when things didn't  work out, I'll give you an example, the rich young ruler, Jesus is walking along in his ministry,  and he comes upon a rich, young ruler. They have a beautiful conversation, very positive, the  rich young ruler is impressed by Jesus. And he talks to him in such a warm and friendly way.  And Jesus has an attitude of recruitment. But the rich and ruler chooses not to follow because  he could not sell everything he has, and then follow Jesus. I believe that so much the walk of  Christianity, the walk of Christian leadership, in a moment, were present. And we see God, do  you have that person in mind? Now, I would not be surprised someday when we get to  heaven that the rich young ruler, thought about that encounter. And maybe he became a  Christian. And he gave his heart to the Lord and he gave his wealth. I don't know. I mean, I  like to think that. And you can make your own decision about that or your own speculation. I  love how Jesus has an attitude of recruitment, that he that recruit everyone. But when you  find a leader, then train them, mentor them, get them over to Christian Leaders Institute to  get studying is an incredible thing to look for those reproducible touch points. To see  someone's role in creating reproducible knowledge habits in sharing, it's not just your role is  to see that this could be a potential leader that could help others. Mentors, need knowledge  about Christianity, actually is about your training of CLI is great training for being a mentor as  well. Just think about everything you're doing here and crucially will help you improve to be a  reproducible leader. A reproducible mentor, will then help you reach others to be reproducible  leaders, reproducible mentor generations after generations of Christianity began this way and started this way. So now it is your role in the process. So then what happens is, you become  one who recognizes growth, when someone does well say So be real about this again, no, just 

unnecessary flattery? Do you not err on the stingy side of encouragement, Philippians 3:17,  join with others and following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live  according to the pattern we gave you. You are just not being mentored, but you are a mentor  who sees potential in others, and Christian Leaders. Institute, we're trying to allow leaders  and potential leaders to get their ministry training, to get their Christian leaders education, to  become Christian leaders in their calling at little cost. So that everyone who was called get an opportunity. We all have a part. Because someone comes to your mind right now, who needs  free education, free Christian education, free ministry training, maybe a young person, maybe a grandchild, maybe a neighbor, and you see their potential. And you know, what's holding  them back, you will maybe notice some things, you know, maybe they're already in debt. You  know, maybe their life situation is such that they never had an opportunity to get ministry  training. As you grow here, maybe you don't trust us yet. Because you're in the Getting  Started class. What we've noticed is that people who graduate here at Christian Leaders  Institute, tell others, you know, we did these and have done graduate meetings here and  there and touch point places throughout the world. In it's fascinating that people who start a  Christian Leaders Institute did not even believe it was real. And then they got into a head and  they got a mentor, and then they became mentors. So we've been doing these meetings and  at first, when we did meetings, I would ask, you know, how did you find out about Christian  Leaders Institute and viewers, they all on the internet, and they would say they found it, but  at first they did not believe it to be true. And then over time, they get so many classes and  got Minister opportunities in different certificates and diplomas and credentials and awards,  and became ordained. And now people all over the world. know, it's true. And now they're  mentors and recruit others. Now I want to get to my point. So in the past, when we would go  there, people would be saying that they came through internet. Today, when I go to a  meeting, there's a large number of people who are at the meetings that we have held that  recently have been led to Christian Leaders Institute by a mentor who was trained at Christian leaders Institute. So it's a fascinating thing of how the Christian Leaders, Institute graduates,  these Christian leaders, have become mentors, and are now recruiting because they see the  potential in people in their lives. Now, I want to introduce one more concept to you before we  close, and that is the concept of the life coach, Minister, at Christian leaders Institute, we not  only have credentials of ministry, training, Christian leaders, training, business administration, other things like that. But we now have launched in the past, just in the last 2019, now 2020,  we're developing in whenever you hear this, these, these are opportunities for you to become  involved in that certified ordained life coach, Minister. Now we have an ordination program  already, you can become a minister at Christian Leaders Institute. And it's a process where  you are recommended your ordination is posted, that we have a life coach certification  process with requirements and classes. And then we have some specialized courses where  you can become a life coach in specialized area, you can do this as a volunteer, you can  receive part time income, or even do this for a career. Now, the point of this is here, we have  an opportunity to take mentorship into a formal setting where then people see you know, you  really love the role of helping others. A life coach is someone like that. They're not thinking  about just oh, you know, I am the implementer of ministry, which again, is actually wonderful, but I help others. And I am studying the science of helping others, The Life Coach classes, I  want to connect to people and let them know, I take this seriously. So at Christian Leaders  Institute not only is every one call to find mentors, and everyone informally, is a mentor. But  now if that's your calling, you can proceed with a life coach, ordained, even life coach  certification program. So I don't know where your particular journey is. But I am so excited  that God has a plan in your life, and that God will lead you to become mentors and to mentor  others and who knows maybe even this is your calling to be a formal life coach minister,  who's raising up more people who's helping people take their next step in a walk with God, a  successful life on this earth, where Jesus Christ is glorified. So whatever your particular calling is, may God bless you in your work.

Última modificación: miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2022, 14:00