Evan Roberts was a revival leader in the beginning of the 20th century in the Welshlands, so  filled with the Holy Spirit. Evan Roberts revival over 100,000 Convert. People thought that it  was as if the kingdom of God was being ushered in in that region. Yet, that revival was short  lived. And Evan Roberts faltered, depression set in. False doctrine and teaching permeated  his ministry. In fact, what was said of him is that his lack of ministry training ultimately hurt  him. Tony Cauchi writes. The tragic thing about Evan Roberts is that his fear of getting  traditional ministry training of seminaries actually ended in hurting him as a revival leader. He  did not find a way to get orthodox biblical ministry training, even in alternative ways. The lack  of grounded orthodox views, sidelined him as a ministry leader. So you're called to give  leadership. The Holy Spirit has given you urgency, whether it's in traditional ministry, or  whether it's in the enterprise, bringing a renewal to a community, whether it's having an entire  change of life, to the restorative justice program, others thinking differently, all of these things.  God is a reason you are here. And one thing we want for you is that you are well, grounded in the Word of God, we desire that you will do well and be well grounded in your doctrine in life.  This is our belief. We want Christian leaders who are not only filled with the Holy Spirit, but  understand what they believe in why they need enough ministry training, that they can stand  many tests of their doctrine in life. So let's talk about key areas of training. ministry training,  statement of faith directed ministry training that you will get here at Christian Leaders Institute, what are the foundations? What do we hold that this basic doctrines undergirds the entire  curriculum? So let's go over these points. Now. These points have been described already in  our statement of faith. But quickly, let's go through those points. First, what do we believe  about the Bible? The Bible is God's inerrant, infallible, reliable word, the only final authority for faith and life. Now what we're talking about here is a relationship with God. We're talking  about how your relationship with God orders your entire world, how you live differently, how  you act differently, how you think about God, how you think about creation, fall redemption,  how we think about everything, who is God, Who is man, what is anthropology? What are we  talking about philosophy? What is epistemology and philosophy, how we think, all of these  things. The insights for how we come to our decisions are from the Bible. Number two, who is  God we believe that God is Trinity in eternal loving unity, that is one being of three divine  persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that God created the world. Ex nihilo, from  nothing, and made all things very good. Now there's a lot of debate about, you know, is the  earth old is the earth new creationism. There's lots of debate about all that. Well, one thing we believe is we know by faith, faith that God created. So God created the world. God created  humanity. God created humanity to glorify and enjoy God and be stewards of creation. We  believe there was a real fall than humanity and creation have fallen into sin, sin rebellion, we  missed the mark. We went away from God, that we are totally unable to save ourselves. In  the fullness of time, we believe that God sends his son Jesus. So who is Jesus? Jesus Christ  is fully God and fully man. We believe that Jesus, life and victory was that redemption we  sorely needed as humans. Jesus was born of a virgin, obeyed God perfectly, worked great  miracles, died and a cross, rose from the dead, ascended to heaven and reigns over all  things. Because of Jesus, we have good news. And we believe that this very good news the  salvation is a work of God. The Salvation mentally brings us new life. It brings us hope. It  brings us everything that we can look at life so differently. In this salvation, God's salvation is  married and only by Jesus perfect obedience, and substitutionary atonement. We believe that the salvation is not our work, salvation only salvation is entirely God's gift. Not our  achievement and is received by faith, not by works. In other words, when we come to God,  we come in faith. We trust our Savior, we do not trust ourselves. We believe that the Holy  Spirit was poured out on Pentecost in the Spirit, Holy Spirit's role is alive, real and vital in our  lives. The Holy Spirit gives us gives new birth, unites us to Christ equips us with his gift 

empowers us to be His ambassadors. We believe that the church, universal church that is the spiritual church of all ages, you know, they call it the universal church. People say the holy  Catholic Church, and what we understand that to be is that God has His Church, the people  that love him, the people filled with Holy Spirit, in all denominations that proclaim Christ, that  believe the Bible and they believe that historic doctrines. We believe that the church is all over the world. We believe that God knows his people. The church is the one body of God's people throughout all generations, and from all nations. We believe there are angels, angels of God,  God's Holy Angels defend and help God's people. We believe there are fallen angels. Satan  and his fallen angels are dangerous. But doomed. Christ is victor. We believe that Christ will  return and the dead will be raised. Christ will return visibly the dead will be raised. Christ will  rule the world and make all things new. There will be a new heavens and a new earth. God's  people will rejoice forever and the new heavens, new heaven and the new earth. God's  enemies will suffer forever in hell. And we believe that God relates to families, not just  individuals. Throughout the Old and New Testament we see the word covenant. God's  covenant addresses not only individuals, but also their families. So we see that families are to open the Word of God, proclaim the Word God even as families. We also believe that we are  able to walk with God in our daily lives, as individuals, as couples, as families. We need daily  conversations with God through the Bible, through Bible reading and prayer. We believe that  after this great salvation, we live a life of gratitude. We'd love because he loved us. We can  do no else, nothing else than to live a life of love. And the even the Old Testament as depicted in the 10 commandments, if you look at the 10 commandments, the first articles are about  loving God. The second articles are about loving our neighbor We also believe we are called  to share the good news. We are called to spread the gospel to people who do not yet follow  Christ. We believe that everything we do has purpose. As we share Christ, we promote a  Christian worldview. We are called to a worldview in the way of life which seeks to honor  Christ in every area of thought and action. One of the most important things to do is to think  differently, that Christ is the center of it all. Our philosophy program, as we learn how to think  we want to even philosophically see Christ as Lord of every area of life. Abraham Kuyper  said, every inch of life Christ is Lord. So, we desire that biblical doctrine. We are training CLI  students to lead churches in their vital and Orthodox biblical historical doctrine. Doctrine is not is not remaining biblical the church will drift. Graduates of CLI are taught the essential  teachings will enable them to live and proclaim sound biblical doctrine. We believe that not  only for students who lead churches, but students who lead in ministry, students who lead in  their communities that we need to understand the biblical doctrine is. John Knox was another  Brit. And unlike Evan Roberts, John Knox believed in the importance of sound doctrine that  must guide every ministry leader Knox saw that many attacks will come to task leaders.  Historically, those who followed the true passion of John Knox believed to solid biblical  ministry training and intense spiritual fervor. And John Knox lives in the longevity of a tradition, a Presbyterian tradition that for generations have had been proclaiming the gospel of Christ.  So a lot of people don't want to talk about doctrine today. And this might be one of those type  of presentations that you just feel like, oh, do I gotta get through. But these doctrines matter.  And they matter not only at Christian Leaders Institute, but they must matter to you, because  you want to get grounded. Now, what we're not saying is that, that there's not room for  disagreement, because there is this take the one question about creation, many Christians  believe, and maybe you do that the earth is very young. Many Christians believe that the  earth is very old. Yet, doctrinally, the key point is we believe that God created that we believe  the Bible is reliant in true and infallible and telling us the story, the narrative that directs our  lives. And there is some room for Christians to see things a little different. But the essential  doctrines of the Church of the Bible are doctrines that keep us safe from air. You know, when 

we're actually leading people, we were Christian leaders. We want to make sure that we know our doctrine well, that we know ministry training, well. Why are you here to be prepared to  make a difference in this world? So though this is sort of difficult to get our minds around  when you just talk about one teaching after the other history for the last 2000 years has  shown us and revivals that have come and God gone have testified to us that getting our  doctrine is right is very important. So as you study at Christian Leaders Institute, you're going  to take more doctrine classes. There's a Christian Basics class that comes right after this  class it's an important class to look at the basic biblical teachings, to know them well and to  be grounded as a Christian leader to glorify God in your calling to ministry.

Последнее изменение: понедельник, 3 октября 2022, 08:30