Degree Program Administrative Fee Prices by Tier and Tier Listing Links 

Associate or Bachelor Degree Administrative Fee: Includes your entire degree program administration for one degree program, one student ID (good for two years), and one degree diploma with a cover upon completion.

Tier 4 nation amount: Associate Degree $1,500; Bachelor Degree (for CLI Associate Degree graduates) - $1,500;  Bachelor Degree: $3,000 (Nations like the United States, Canada, Australia, and most European nations).

Tier 3 nation amount:
Associate Degree $420; Bachelor Degree (for CLI Associate Degree graduates) - $420; Bachelor Degree - $840 (Nations like South Africa, Mexico, Costa Rica, Botswana, Saudi Arabia, and Russian Federation).
 Click here Tier1-Tier 3 Nations.

Tier 2 nation amount:
 Associate Degree $300; Bachelor Degree (for CLI Associate Degree graduates) - $300; Bachelor Degree - $600 (Nations like Jamaica, Philippines, Egypt, and Ecuador).
Click here Tier1-Tier 3 Nations.

Tier 1 nation amount: Associate Degree - $120, Bachelor Degree (for CLI Associate Degree graduates) - $120; Bachelor Degree - $240 (Nations like Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Uganda). Click here Tier1-Tier 3 Nations.

Última modificación: martes, 3 de octubre de 2023, 12:40