Welcome back to the church in ministry class. Today we gonna talk about is the principles that guide ministry in the church, as you think about being that servant leader, is you think about loving your congregation or loving those in charge that God has put in your charge. There are basic principles that are the timeless ministry principles. And many of these two are taken from the book of 2 Corinthians. In 2 Corinthians, the Apostle Paul is the ministering to a very difficult church in the Corinthian church. So he gives us insights on how we can very effectively minister to people. And of these principles basically guide, and you know, what I would suggest to do as a pastor someday, and even now is have these principles, write them down, even the passage in the programme ministry, and I do this throughout my ministry, I will go back and remind myself again, of these principles for ministry. 

Here they are:

- Number one, live for Christ's net for yourself, you know, in in this is very important as servant leaders, the question is, who are we serving? If it's not clear that we're serving Christ, we probably should not be a pastor in 2 Corinthians 5:14 and 16 is for the love of Christ, that constraint us, because thus we judge, if one died for all, then we all die, and that He died for all that we will live, should not henceforth live unto ourselves, but unto him, which died for them in rows again, that is just a powerful, powerful seed of what it means to minister to others. 

- Principle number two, if we are to live for Christ, know that you are an ambassador for Christ. Do you not see anybody from a worldly point of view? Do not pigeonhole someone as a project case, okay, what do you mean by that? Okay, well, what happens so often in pastoring, in look at for yourself, just look at the 2 Corinthians 5:16 to 17 and in verse 20. Look at that, what happens in pastoring so often, is that sometimes we can forget that we really are ambassadors for Christ, and we start looking at someone from our pre disposed opinions. And we pigeon holed them often, in sort of put them in the file king of remind them that they need this, this, this, this and then boom, done. And we don't really take it as we're ambassadors for Christ. I'll give you some examples. I'll give you an example from my own life. 

Okay, I come from Dutch background. Okay, and Dutch had this rural thing about like, you know, money and, you know, and and the highest spend it and highest save it, or, or we have another thing about cleanliness, and some of you who have Dutch background can laugh about that, you know, well, what happens is that some of those powerful cultural enforcement, you come in as someone who has a different view of how they see it, and then how you see it on something, ordinary thing that Dutch have is like work, that you know, the men work, work, work, work, work, okay and in the Dutch women who often marry the men want their husbands to work. So Dutch have this thing more often about money about work and about cleanliness. Okay. So now, someone comes into your ministry, and you happen to have this Dutch inculturation. You might look at them and get caught up in their own cultural background. That's not like your cultural background. And that can be such a problem for ministry. You're an ambassador for Christ. And Christ is at work in each person, how God is that work in their life. Don't pigeonhole them into how you see that your background was superior to theirs. Now at times, your background can help them your gifts can bring them some help, but understand God has an agenda for them. God is going to take someone there next step. 

Okay. Sometimes I think as pastors, we think, how can we get someone to be like us as fast as possible? No, it's how can they be like Christ in their next step? We want to be an authentic witness, always being authentic witness, you know, 2 Corinthians 6:3 through 13. We put no stumbling block in anyone's past rather than our ministry not be discredited, rather We are servants of God, we commend ourselves in every way. And then Paul has this incredible list. And he says, Finally, we have spoken freely do Corinthians to open wide our hearts to you. We do not withhold our affection from you. But you are withholding yours from us as a fair exchange, I speak as to my children, Open wide your hearts also see. Authentic means:- that you really are in partnership with the people that you're ministering to, you're transparent appropriately, and you're not hiding anything, you are ministering out of an authentic witness. You know, even for unbeliever it's really fascinating. You know, in the past, I know in my parents generation, there was this talk about don't let your dirty laundry be seen. Now, everything in moderation. On one level, you don't want all your dirty laundry you've seen. But on the other level, when someone sees that you're not perfect, and you share struggles that you go through, then they say, Well, if Pastor can struggle through a few things, and there's he's self aware about it, if the pastor can struggle, hey, then maybe I can come over some of my things as well. It's that relationship of authentic witness. 

Here's another principle:- The macro issues really do matter. That is your relationship ideas, your doctrines, your habits, you know, don't be yoked with unbelievers. You know, as a pastor, what's going to guide you is going to be who you hang around with. Ahm! You know, sometimes pastors don't have any friends within their church, some they have other relationships, and they can actually hurt the church or even in the church. There's issues of boundaries that we talked about, actually, in the pastoral care, marriage class. Doctrine is very important that a pastor would study biblical doctrine to actually spend a priority of your time learning even more about the doctrine of the trinity or apologetic issues, take continuing education, take some classes, that CLI if you just take in this class, and he take the church history class, learn about church history, in how you are on a daily basis, your habits are all very important, even though they're not specifically maybe seen directly by people in the church every day. These are principles that guide your ministry, and that you're involved in growing, being teachable with good habits. 

Here's another principle:- God has always used conviction to transform lives, you don't understand that godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation. It's just a principle and ministry, you know, is fascinating that lot of times, you know, people will come to us with a problem. And what's happened is already now been a train wreck. And the sometimes as pastors, you say, why did they come to us, you know, six months ago before this happened? Well, godly sorrow brings repentance, a lot of times, we are there to pick up the pieces with them. And when they are ready to pick up the pieces, they're ready to be teachable. Understand that principle, it will guide your ministry,  and here's what I find that if you would have talked to that same couple, six months earlier, they would have been convicted, they would have looked at you as meddling. So my biggest mistakes is that I saw a potential danger. And I hovered over it too quickly. And I zoomed in on it, because I knew it after you're a pastor for a while you're experienced in you know, this leads to this that leads to this. So you know, so I'll come in there, and I know, I kind of stop it right here and then what happens? There's a fence and how could the pastor think about this way, how could he think of us this way? And again, you know, that's what happens. There are at point where that godly sorrow that brings repentance is not quite there, that teachable moment is not ready to be talked about. 

Here's another principle:- Consider carefully a pastoral care approach. Okay. In I put this in the church and ministry, and you're going to we're going to talk a lot about that in the pastoral care marriage class. One thing always be careful, is just don't shoot from the hips. When somebody talks about their problems in ministry. Really listen, become a listener. I'm the Apostle Paul. You know, this is the third time I'm coming to you. In the mouth of two or three wins is shall everywhere be established, you know, when somebody will come to you on and say, Pastor, that person, this, this, this, this, this, you know, just don't react, get the facts. You know, check things out before you are right where you are at. I give you an example of that, okey, one person comes to you and says, My wife wants to divorce me. Okay? So then you meet with the wife, why do you want to divorce him? And then you find out that hold on. He's, he's like, beating her. And he's using some, you know, legalistic, you know, she's supposed to be my wife approach, and she's just being abused. Okay, so if you right away, pounce on her, you become the next male oppressor of this woman who is right now not being treated in love. Now, do you mean do you support divorce know what it means hitting all the facts in ministry, and they can come back and talk to him and I hate what goes with this. And now, in that whole process, be very careful to continue to get the facts and don't make snap judgments, principles, that guide ministry is to carefully listen and get the facts. And then in a humble way, in this case, maybe with accountability, you would actually create a ministry plan for that particular couple. 

Here's another principle:- Always remember that spiritual warfare ahmm! is certainly fought and in 2 Corinthians chapter 10, you know, the Apostle Paul talks about how there is weapons of warfare, ahmm in an ancanal. And in a lot of times in ministry, is that spiritual prayer, that spiritual warfare prayer, in a lot of times, you find in ministering to someone, you know, before I even Minister, I'm saying, Lord, we bind the evil one, will you give me the tools, and if there's a demonic oppression here, helped me to see what I'm supposed to do here? And what I'm supposed to say in Holy Spirit, cover this whole thing. You know, sometimes people go in ministry, ohh, 

Here are principles:- And here's something you're supposed to do this way, this way, this way, this way, this way. And we're forgetting that we don't fight against flesh and blood but against principalities and power, that there is a spiritual warfare dimension in those problems. Principles like guide ministry:- is be a person who builds hope filled community and culture. You know, I tell you, the pastor has to become the encourager. You know, and you see Paul light way, for the light should boast somewhat more of our authority, which Lord has given us for edification, not for the destruction. I should not be ashamed and 2 Corinthians 12:18. Again, thinking that we have excused ourselves onto you, we speak before God in Christ, but we do all things Dearly beloved, for your edifying. In the end of the day, it is about encouraging the Evil One is the accuser. The pastor is the encourager, we encourage our parishioners and point them to Christ, we get out of the way of ourselves, and Christ is Lord. And in the end of the day, if we're not thinking about building of our even people who are very hurtful to you, in the end of the day, a pastor sees that whatever people do, you point them to Christ, you know, a pastor with a critical spirit, who basically treats people poorly, who basically talks down to people who basically thinks they're the answer person, and ahmm! the people are stupid. Ahmm! Yeah, these stupid people on congregation and they really need me, you know, arrogant. That pastor who does not encourage will not go far in ministry, that Christian leader will not make an impact as God has designed pastors and leaders to do. 

So. Build a hope filled community with encouragement, even when you don't want to because there's some offense that somebody has given towards you still, when you are persecuted, bless. 

You know, another principle:- is that challenge of spiritual authority comes in many forms, and be ready for it. Be ready for it, there will be false Apostles, deceitful workers, transforming them into Apostles of Christ. And no mavel for Satan himself is trans-format to an angel of light, there will always be dissenters, distractors, people who spread dissension and be ready to hunt. How can you be ready for that? Well, first of all, with the principles that we're just talking about humility, transparency. When someone attacks , don’t take the bait. Talk to even the dissenter, one on one first, Matthew 18. If the dissenter cannot be changed, you know, bring someone else along. Even if necessary, bring it before the elders, it would be as before the elders bring it in such a way that's blessing, you know, you can bring some for the elders and have like a inquisition and blow the dissenter away. Or you can sort of know what's going to come and be ready, and be ready to talk and be ready to encourage, but also be ready to please God. You know, sometimes, there is no other way than to bless the dissenter on to a church where that dissenter can fit in better, you know, a lot of times, it really is a vision issue. Okay, like, you'll have someone who just really doesn't like your ministry, well, maybe what they really don't like is how the vision of the church goes this direction, and they really believe in another direction. And it's really not that personal, it really is a vision disagreement. And as a pastor, a lot of times that in, here's what I would really encourage you Christian leaders, as you're, as you're growing in learning, help it to be seen as a vision issue, not as something personal. Because when in that personality thing, things can really go down in a hurry. You know, always stay aware of your own weaknesses. 

You know, in some ways, I've said this now, again, almost a third time in different words, you know, hability, don't think too highly of yourself. But the Apostle Paul was very much aware of his own weaknesses. And he even knew he had a fall in a flesh. And he knew that he was very weak in some things, but then he understood that in the weaknesses, God's power would rest upon him. You know, these weaknesses don't have to take you out of ministry. These weaknesses can be used by God in a powerful way. Because when you understand struggle, you will help those who struggle, but be aware of those weaknesses. I'll give you some concrete example. You know, if you have as a pastor, a, let's say, over talkative personality, you know, ask your spouse to help you give it a little. When you're talking too much. Be aware of that. Or let's say you have a struggle with sin. You know, you know, the Bible says, Hey, you can have a drink in moderation. But you know what, you can't do that, you know, some believers believe and maybe you're one of them, you can never drink. But others well, maybe could have a drink. Okay? But be if you have any disposition toward alcoholism or anything that will hurt your witness. You know, what, be aware of that weakness, and you just aren't going to have any alcohol. Or, you know, let's say it's pornography and you are like,  okay. You can to lay in your life, the boundaries, that that is not going to be some something that's going to hurt your ministry, or feel on and on. It goes. But be aware of these things. And is even if you struggle with them, your home ministry, it's even in those struggles that help you minister to others who struggle more, but don't have this like thing where you Oh, this was not me. I don't have to worry about tell. If the Apostle Paul had weaknesses. I'm gonna have weaknesses, you're gonna have weaknesses. Don't allow those weaknesses, to sink your ministry. Put those weaknesses before God in accountability with others. Be aware of those weaknesses and realize that despite how weak I am, it is God who gets the glory. You know, these principles? You know, I went through this list rather quickly, and didn't go listen to the presentation again. But these are principles when you maybe take one at a time or put them in your devotions where you're just thinking about it and in maybe some of these passages memorize.

in ministry, these principles guide pastoral care in ministry, ministry in the church, leadership in a church leadership in Oregon. As a nation, and when those principles guide your ministry, your effect on people is even more real and present. Why? Because you know what the principles talk about, they talk about God. They're from the Bible. They're a Henry that make these principles up and say, follow the principle but I made up. This is how leaders of the past like the Apostle Paul, understood church in ministry, the in some ways, they are sort of principles of the heart that are not necessarily on the surface. But these principles of the heart make a big difference. And if these principles are lived out and applied, ministry is even more winsome and powerful. God pours out His Holy Spirit in a teachable servant who loves who leads pointing to Christ. A servant who looks at themselves and know they really don't have together in their own flesh, but it is about serving our Lord Jesus Christ in ministry.

最后修改: 2022年12月15日 星期四 09:53