The Ministry Sciences approach from Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) is a holistic approach to ministry that emphasizes the integration of biblical knowledge, practical skills, and personal development. CLI believes that effective ministry requires a balance of all three areas, and that ministry leaders need to be equipped in all three areas in order to be successful.

The biblical knowledge component of the Ministry Sciences approach focuses on the study of the Bible and its application to ministry. CLI believes that ministry leaders need to have a deep understanding of the Bible in order to be effective in their work. CLI's courses in biblical studies cover a wide range of topics, including Old Testament and New Testament survey, biblical interpretation, and theology.

The practical skills component of the Ministry Sciences approach focuses on the development of the skills that are necessary for effective ministry. CLI believes that ministry leaders need to be able to communicate effectively, teach the Bible, lead others, and manage a ministry. CLI's courses in practical ministry cover a wide range of topics, including preaching, teaching, leadership, and administration.

The personal development component of the Ministry Sciences approach focuses on the growth of the ministry leader's character and spiritual life. CLI believes that ministry leaders need to be people of integrity, compassion, and spiritual maturity. CLI's courses in personal development cover a wide range of topics, including spiritual formation, character development, and emotional health.

In summary, Ministry Sciences seeks to focus on the following

  • The role of God and the work of the Holy Spirit in the healing of the soul (body and spirit).

Ministry Sciences recognizes that God is the ultimate healer of both the body and the soul. The Holy Spirit is the one who empowers us to minister to others and to bring healing to their lives. Ministry Sciences students learn about the different ways that God can heal people, both physically and emotionally. They also learn how to pray for healing and how to minister to people who are hurting.

  • The importance of local churches and house churches for the spreading of the gospel and the well-being of Christians.

Ministry Sciences students learn about the importance of local churches and house churches. They learn how these churches can be used to spread the gospel and to help people grow in their faith. Ministry Sciences students also learn how to start and lead churches and house churches.

  • The importance of including God as the center of all learning and methodology.

Ministry Sciences students learn that God is the center of all learning and methodology. They learn how to integrate their faith into their studies and into their work. Ministry Sciences students also learn how to think critically and to evaluate information from a biblical worldview.

  • The essential role the Bible plays as the glasses through which we see reality and evaluate other scholarship.

Ministry Sciences students learn that the Bible is the essential guide for life and ministry. They learn how to interpret the Bible accurately and how to apply its truths to their own lives and to the lives of others. Ministry Sciences students also learn how to evaluate other scholarship from a biblical worldview.

  • The message and method of presenting the Saviorship and Lordship of Christ clearly and effectively.

Ministry Sciences students learn how to present the gospel in a clear and effective way. They learn how to share their faith with others and how to help them grow in their relationship with Christ. Ministry Sciences students also learn how to minister to people who are struggling with sin and doubt.

  • How to train and mobilize more volunteer, part-time, and full-time ministers.

Ministry Sciences students learn how to train and mobilize more volunteer, part-time, and full-time ministers. They learn how to develop leaders and how to build strong ministries. Ministry Sciences students also learn how to raise up and support missionaries and other Christian workers.

  • The role of study and research in church and Kingdom growth to advance the Kingdom of God.

Ministry Sciences students learn about the role of study and research in church and Kingdom growth. They learn how to use research to understand the needs of people and to develop effective ministry strategies. Ministry Sciences students also learn how to write and publish their research to share it with others.

  • Recent social science advances from a Biblical worldview to discern what is helpful and what is not.

Ministry Sciences students learn about recent social science advances from a biblical worldview. They learn how to evaluate social science research and to discern what is helpful and what is not. Ministry Sciences students also learn how to apply social science research to their ministry and to the world around them.

Última modificación: miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2023, 06:20