Dating Etiquette Agenda

Boldness is a key quality in the dating process. It allows us to take risks, express ourselves, and stand up for our beliefs. The Bible provides guidance on boldness, emphasizing that our courage comes from God's strength. This Bible study explores biblical teachings on boldness and offers practical tips for incorporating it into the dating journey.

Bible Study:

Ephesians 6:10 This verse encourages us to be strong in the Lord and rely on His might. It reminds us that our boldness is rooted in God's strength, not our own.

Proverbs 28:1 According to this verse, the righteous are bold as lions while the wicked flee in fear. It highlights that when we align ourselves with righteousness, we have confidence knowing that God is on our side.

2 Timothy 1:7 This verse reassures us that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. It reminds us that we have been equipped by God to embrace boldness without fear.

Practical Tips for Being Bold:

  1. Believe in yourself: Having self-confidence is vital. When you believe in yourself, others are more likely to believe in you too.

  2. Be direct: Don't beat around the bush. Express your intentions clearly and straightforwardly. For example, you can say, "I'd like to take you out on a date."

  3. Be respectful: Regardless of the response, respect the other person's decision. Avoid taking it personally or pressuring them to change their mind.

Women or Man Conversations

Included in this section is specific Dating Etiquette for a man or woman. Go over the material. If this is done in a mixed company group go over both. 


  1. Practice asking someone out: Simulate asking someone out on a date with a friend or family member to build your confidence.

  2. Plan for success: Think about potential date ideas and have a plan in mind if the person says yes. This will help you feel prepared and confident.

  3. Dress appropriately: Consider the occasion and dress accordingly. Choose an outfit that flatters your body and makes you feel comfortable and confident.

  4. Behave authentically: Be true to yourself throughout the date. Show politeness, respect, and genuine interest in your date's thoughts and feelings.

  5. End the date gracefully: Thank your date for their time, express that you enjoyed yourself, and if interested, indicate your desire to see them again.

By applying these tips, you can incorporate boldness into your dating experience, leading to more genuine connections and potential matches.


Dear God,

I come to you seeking your guidance in cultivating boldness in my dating life. Help me to rely on your strength and not be driven by fear or self-doubt. Grant me confidence in myself and my abilities, knowing that you are with me.

As I embark on the dating journey, help me to be respectful and direct in expressing my intentions. Grant me the wisdom to behave authentically and listen attentively. Give me the courage to end dates gracefully and communicate my interest in future meetings.

May my boldness be a reflection of your love and guidance. Strengthen me in moments of doubt and equip me to navigate the dating process with confidence and integrity.

In Jesus' name, amen.

最后修改: 2023年05月24日 星期三 07:28