1. How did you become a Christian? 

a. Was it through a preacher, or an “ordinary Christian”? 

b. If it was through a preacher, were any “ordinary Christians” involved in getting you to hear the message, or in following up with you? 

2. Imagine someone asked your church members why they are Christians and what that means. 

a. How well would they be able to answer? 

b. Would their lives demonstrate it? 

c. What can you do to improve that? 

3. What does it mean to carry God’s presence in love and power? How are you equipping your people to do that? 

4. If your people were unable to get to church, or if you were unable to get there, would they be able to have church without you? 

a. If not, in what specific areas do they need to be equipped in order to be ready? 

b. List some ways you can equip them in those areas. 

5. List any groups within your church that regularly meet without you, or that you don’t lead, such as Bible studies, prayer groups or fellowship groups. 

a. How are you encouraging leaders to develop within these groups? 

b. How are you making sure they don’t go off in a wrong direction? 

6. Who in your church might be ready for more ministry responsibility? 

a. What might you ask them to do? 

b. How will you encourage, equip and support them in doing it? 

Última modificación: martes, 23 de mayo de 2023, 10:08