1. If you are part of a denomination or association of churches: 

a. What is the process by which a pastor comes to serve a church? 

b. What is the process by which a pastor comes to stop serving a church? 

c. Do you believe that is a Biblical way to do it? Explain. 

2. If the time ever comes when you feel that perhaps you should leave your current church for any reason, what will you do to make sure you are correctly hearing from God? 

a. List the steps you will take to confirm that you are hearing God accurately. 

b. List the people you will consult.  

3. If you were not serving as a pastor, what kind of ministry do you think God might call you into? 

4. If you were suddenly taken sick or had to leave the area, what information would a new pastor need in order to step in smoothly? 

a. Gather that information in one place and clearly label it, “In Case the Pastor Cannot Serve.” 

b. Make sure church leaders know where to find it. 

c. Make sure they understand that it’s just in case of emergency. You don’t want them to think you’re secretly planning to leave! 

5. If you are part of a denomination or group that has a policy for how to handle accusations of wrongdoing against pastors: 

a. Do you know the policy? 

b. Do your leaders know it? 

c. Are you comfortable with the policy, in case an accusation is brought against you? 

6. If your church does not have a policy for handling accusations against pastors: 

a. Which churches or groups will you look at as models for a policy your church might adopt? 

b. What steps will you take to raise the issue with your leaders and help them see the need for it? 

Последнее изменение: вторник, 23 мая 2023, 10:51