Feedback and Engagement Survey

Welcome to the first part of the two-step, twelve-point "Final Assignment." Your valuable feedback through this activity will contribute to the improvement of this course and engage you further in your journey with Christian Leaders. We greatly appreciate your participation!

Begin Your Assignment


To ensure the best student experience and facilitate proper submission of your feedback, please follow these steps:

  1. Use the email address associated with your CLI account to send your feedback to

  2. In the subject line of your email, copy and paste the name of this class: "Start a Match Conversations Practice or Ministry?"

  3. Copy and paste the questions provided below along with your signature into the body of your email.

  4. Answer the questions and sign your name.

Written Activity: (Read and respond to the questions)

Question One:

This match conversations course aims to help you develop a match ministry or practice. What have you learned in this class that you believe will be beneficial to you?

Question Two:

This course covers various concepts, including the role of a matchmaking minister, the utilization of online tools, and the creation of a ministry plan. Which concepts resonated with you the most?

Question Three:

Donations play a vital role in keeping all courses tuition-free, allowing Christian Leaders to support the spread of Christianity, provide high-quality ministry training to called leaders in developing nations, offer accessible education to students in financially constrained countries, create tuition-free programs for individuals with limited resources, and enable quick access to courses for those interested in supporting the tuition-free program later. How does this generosity-driven concept connect with you? Do you think Christian Leaders should eventually move to a tuition-based model? How does this funding model align with your situation? If you are unable to contribute financially, would you be willing to pray for the faithful support of this funding concept?

Click here to become a Vision Partner

Question Four:

Christian Leaders strives to continually enhance every course, aiming to empower more individuals to make a positive difference. Are there any specific topics you believe should have been covered or any suggestions for additions or improvements in the course material or quizzes?


Signed, [Your Name]

Thank you for your participation. We sincerely appreciate your choice to join Christian Leaders.

Modifié le: vendredi 9 juin 2023, 11:36