Hi, I'm Henry Reyenga back. Today we're gonna talk about the role of the matchmaker minister.

First of all, the matchmaker minister is a minister. Throughout through the Christian Leaders Alliance, every minister role starts with away inefficient. It's sort of saying to the world that we really are about yoking together, like minded believers.

And it's a ministry role. And then from there how this goes, you can get further ministry roles, such as a field minister or licensed minister or ordained minister. There's coaching ministers. There are Chaplain ministers. From these core roles, there are Advanced roles. We call them Diakonos roles, or the Core roles we call Presbuteros, sort of intermediate roles and Presbuteros, roles are more advanced, but whatever role that you land on and study for and become credentialed then, you can take the matchmaking specialization. So then you become a match making minister.

Now you say, Minister, because that's who you are. By being a minister, you are established in a confidentiality clause, that ministers are protected in confidentiality. And this is really crucial for a matchmaking ministry ministry is a soul center. If you have that confidentiality, that is something that is very precious in the relationship with someone that's looking for their like minded soulmate.

So you are a minister. You're trained in ministry. As field ministers, you are trained and how to make ministry presentations in in so many more roles, as licensed minister, ordained minister, all of those roles establish you as a minister.

So you're then a minister, who is also a matchmaking minister. Another words, you are called to help the process of Christian singles to find their soulmate in Jesus Christ. Now, because you're a minister, you will pray you will offer the Word of God, the Christian perspective. You are excited about a soul who's connected to Christ evangelism.

You're a minister, you love the church. You love building the church through marriage. You can pray for your clients, you can offer spiritual guidance, because you're a minister, you can officiate weddings. As a minister, you can invite those who are looking for their match into a community.

You offer words of encouragement. You know, that Jesus Christ is the center of all relationships. When someone comes to you, they're not going to just a matchmaker, who, through social sciences and psychology have a whole list of compatibilities now, we're all for compatibilities. We're all learning how youngest and oldest child's connect children connect. We're all learning various ways in which, you know, people interpersonally relate to one another. And we embrace that. Because, as a minister, we're not threatened by the truths that creation displays. We're not threatened by science that glorifies God. But we're ministers.

We see the transcendent. We see the role of God. When someone comes to us, they don't come to a matchmaker who has a fee. And when someone stays married for six months, they get the full fee. No, we're about life long relationships. We see the power of how when a man and a woman connected through the Holy Spirit come together, we see how the Kingdom of God is built. 

So what's your role? It's a matchmaker. Yes It's a matchmaker who advises people who are looking for soulmates Yes But you're a minister, a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. When you relate to someone, you relate as a servant of the Most High God, this is your calling. This is what you want to do.

This is how you see the plans God has for you. And now you are called to bless those coming together in the name of Jesus Christ.

最后修改: 2023年05月30日 星期二 09:23