Known as some of the greatest Christian thinkers in history, these three saints lived in widely different times and circumstances, but all made a lasting impact in shaping Christian thought. Who were they?

Augustine, born in the year 354 in Northern Africa, is perhaps best known for his adaptation of classical thought into Christian teaching. Several of his written works, among which are the Confessions and The City of God, were powerful influences in the development of biblical exegesis and helped to shape much of Western thought. 

Anselm was born in the year 1033, and is recognized for originating the ontological argument for the existence of God. He is regarded as the Father of Scholasticism— a philosophical school of thought from the Middle Ages. 

Aquinas, born around 1224 in Italy, is known for integrating the theological principles of Christianity with the philosophical principles of reason. His masterpieces, Summa Theologica and Summa Contra Gentiles, are among some of the most influential Christian philosophical works to ever be penned. 

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