Congratulations! You are now ready to leave an indelible Gospel footprint!

Afterword: From Theory to Practice

Much has been said during this journey through X/52 regarding gaps. One of the most significant gaps that manifests following any training endeavor of this sort is the gap between the theory of what has been covered and the practice of implementing those ideas, concepts, tools, and principles. Recall the distinction between teaching and training that was explained in the Introduction: 

Teaching is information-driven and the objective of teaching is the acquisition of knowledge. Training is implementation-driven or execution-driven and the objective of training is the acquisition of skills. Effectiveness lies in what is done, not in what is known or even planned.

Again, effectiveness lies in what is done, not in what is known or even planned. If you have faithfully engaged with the training material that is the content of X/52, your Great Commission ministry knowledge has increased. The question is, “What will you do with that knowledge?” The actions that you take in answer to this question will determine whether or not this knowledge truly becomes skill.

During the certification training that I received through the Train-the-Trainer program at the University of Richmond, our instructor followed his remarks regarding the distinction between teaching and training with an example. It went something like this, “If a bank hires me as a trainer to train new bank tellers, my effectiveness as a trainer will not be judged by their ability to pass a test on being a bank teller at the end of training. My effectiveness as a trainer will be judged by their having a 99% accuracy rate when behind the counter.”

I trust that you can see that, with these remarks, I have issued a challenge. What will you do with your increased Great Commission ministry knowledge? However, I want to be a Liberator, a liberating leader, and, in order to do that, I must provide more than a challenge; I must provide you with complementary support. According to GiANT’s Support/Challenge Matrix, the Liberator provides both high support and high challenge.

Please know that you are wildly supported as you move forward with X/52. First and foremost, you have the support of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit.  Jesus is building His church (Matthew 16:13-18).  He is sending us out in His authority and promises to be with us always (Matthew 28:18-20).  The harvest is plentiful (Matthew 9:35-38). A multitude is being gathered that is too numerous to count (Revelation 7:9-10).  As you grow in your commitment to Great Commission ministry, I truly believe that the words of Paul to the Philippians will apply to you, “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus,” (Philippians 4:19).  You have God’s ample and inexhaustible supply and support.

You also have the support of the GO Center. Recall our Mission Statement: Inspire Hope, Instill Vision, Inform Strategy, Invigorate Action. We are here to help you move from knowledge to skill; from theory to practice. Call, text, email, just get in touch any and every way and we will be here for you.

The X/52 Triangle:

                                                                            GOD'S BLESSING

                                            STRONG LEADERSHIP               CONGREGATIONAL SACRIFICE

As a pastor, as a leader, you have the capacity to be an X-Factor, a catalyst for bringing effective Great Commission ministry into the harvest. X/52 has provided a platform for the development of Great Commission skills. Mobilize those skills along with strong leadership coupled with congregational sacrifice, and the blessing of the hand of God will surely bear kingdom fruit. The lost will be found, the missing will be brought home, and true disciples will become true worshippers as they grow in obedience to the commands of Jesus Christ, all to the glory of God. Hallelujah! Amen!

Última modificación: martes, 20 de junio de 2023, 10:33