Francis - So everything ends in this book with, as you saw just the most  fascinating, terrifying, I mean, is there a bigger divide than this? You know, on  the one hand, you know, he's sitting there at the end of anyone's names not  written in the book of life, he's thrown into the lake of fire. And then it is the  extreme contrast of being in this amazing situation where God is there. He says, I'm gonna be there, I'll wipe every tear from your I mean, just, what's it gonna be like? Like, I'm gonna see him he's gonna be there right down to fear anything  like this amazing security and this terrifying horror, and this wrath of Christ. And  yet at the same time, you know, this protection of him for his believers, like, it's  how do you sum up a book like that, and, and, you know, so many people are  scared the Book of Revelation, and don't even read it because it goes to our  interpreter. And there aren't, there are some difficulties or whatever. But there's a pretty clear, overarching picture, the same that's been from the very beginning of man blessing if you follow me, cursing and wrath, if you don't, it started that way  in Genesis ends that way of Revelation. And this is the God that we serve.  

David - And we, so we know this is the way things are going to end we know the end of the story. And that totally transforms how we live our lives today. We  know this is coming. So this transforms to help people think through the people  you disciple and think through it, this transforms your perspective on suffering  today, because you know, it's temporary, it's temporary, it's the most painful  things that are that you think, Oh, I don't know how I'm gonna get through this.  The beauty of revelation promises is you will get through this. And these, these  troubles in this world are light and momentary, even the worst are light and  momentary, eternal joy. So we know that that transforms the way we're suffering, and then it It compels us to make disciples. People's eternity is at stake based  on hearing this gospel and believing this gospel respondents gospel following  Christ. And, and so we go, not just Yes, we go, because we want people to be  saved from hell for heaven, but the whole picture of the glory of Jesus the glory  of God, Revelation is just, I think, a good reminder to us, this is what ultimately  motivates us. We, we want God to receive the glory he's due. And the people  right around me who don't know Jesus right now. God's worthy of their glory.  And I don't want them to see and know His glory. This is what drives us,  compels we don't make decisions that are driven by guilt, like, I feel bad, I guess I should do that. Or I've got the gospel. So I guess I should make it No, we're  driven not by guilt by glory, we want glory, for our pain. 

Francis – Yeah, and our focus on that future is our hope that future glory, that  picture in Revelation 5 with all the different people in different nations all  worshipping at the throne. And you know, so often in the world, people are  taught to just live in the past and dwell on their past and pick up things from the  past. But as Christians, we're supposed to be future focused. And this is what 

keeps us going is knowing the Book of Revelation, it's going to happen. It's  going to happen, his promises, look at all through the Bible, as he has gone  back on any of his promises. No, he's been faithful to every single one of them,  that should give us confidence that the end is going to end just like he says it's  going to be. And so let's dwell on that focus on that. We don't I don't do that  enough. I don't I don't look forward enough and going because this is the way  it's going to be. How should I live my life? 

David - And sort of really flesh that out practically, especially you kind of come to the end of some of this material. But knowing this is not the end, okay, we  checked off a box and we finished with that Bible Study No. To realize and really think through, this is where the end of the story is headed. So how practical is  that? I've gotten today as a disciple of Jesus, and as a disciple maker and  leading other people to Christ.  

Francis - You know, I know it's kind of weird to this video and all but I just love to  just close in prayer right now and just come before God on behalf of you and  anyone else who's going to you know, see this or make disciples through this. I  just want to pray and believe that God is going to move. Father we believe that  Jesus Christ is going to return a savior and as judge. And Father, we believe  these books, this book of Revelation because we've seen how you've been  faithful and true to your word all the way through. May we live our lives in light of the end and light of the moment we see your face. God I pray for those who are  making disciples and trying to be obedient to what you said and you told us to  do you commanded us to do I pray for them, Lord, that I know the enemy is  going to want to distract them. I pray for these discipleship relationships as I  know the enemy is going to want to divide them. God I pray they would be one  that we just all have fellowship, put aside all barriers that your spirit would take  away our fears and give us courage. So that we're found living by faith when you return. The precious and glorious name of are King, Jesus amen.

Modifié le: lundi 31 juillet 2023, 07:53