So we're at our last presentation on healthy spiritual life I have how these Soul  Life in a lot of ways, most of this presentation, I felt sort of felt like things that  you're trying to avoid. You're trying to get that out of your life, get this out of your  life. And if you know, the monastic movement, they went through great efforts to  be separated from the world. And in some sense that we understand we have to take great efforts and responsibility. But this last one looks at it a little differently.  It's not the question of what you limit, it's now the question of what you are filled  with. Welcome the Holy Spirit into your soul. Mary did. Luke 1:35, The angel  answered, The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High  will overshadow you. S o the Holy One to be born, will be called the Son of God. Luke 1:38. I am the LORD's servant, Mary answered may it be to me as you  have said, Then the angel left her. You know, there's some really heavy,  amazing, incredible Greek words there that relate to the soul. First, the Holy  Spirit,the Holy Spirit will overshadow you your very essence you will bear Jesus  Christ, SON OF LIVING GOD. And then Mary says, may it be consent consents  totally to God, entering her soul in her existence. You know, later, that same  word is used in Luke. And the Holy Spirit will come upon you and you will be my  witnesses is the same verb. That Holy Spirit will overshadow us and we'll be  witnesses. And we say like Mary, Yes, Lord. May it be true of us. We consent to  the Holy Spirit's presence in our life. Take the role of the Holy Spirit seriously.  Psalm 51:11, do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from  me. Ephesians 4:30. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were  sealed for the day of redemption. David sins with Bathsheba and one of the  things he is concerned about the leading of the Holy Spirit because he knew if  you grieve the Holy Spirit there are consequences. Don't sin against the Holy  Spirit. Jesus call it call it the unforgivable sin. Don't grieve the Holy Spirit. Now  as humans, we are tempted to do that. But care about your soul, enough to not  grieve the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will help you choose what goes into your  spiritual house. With the Holy Spirit filling, you will learn how to limit the effects  of sin clutter. John 14:26. But the counselor the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have  said to you. The Holy Spirit will remind you to ask the Holy Spirit to come in and  fill you to say Holy Spirit fill me up. I consent to you. I give my life I lay down my  will. Your will be the Lord's Prayer. Your will not mine be done. Holy Spirit helps  you declutter to a fruitful soul. Galatians 5:22-23. But the fruit of the Spirit is  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and  self control against such things there is no law. When the Holy Spirit lives in you, you think about everything differently. You're not into blaming others. You're not  into how the many ways that I'm unhappy, you start counting your blessings. You start seeing the world in in love, gentleness, joy, peace, kindness, goodness,  self control, all of these things become how you see the world. If the fruit of the  Spirit are not present, get serious about the health of your soul and ask the Holy

Spirit to fill you. And finally, the Holy Spirit continues to change us and keeps us  busy. Titus 3:5, he saved us not because of the righteous things we have done,  but because of His mercy, He saved us through the washing of rebirth and  renewal by the Holy Spirit. Hebrews2:4, God also testifies to it signs, wonders,  and various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit, distributed according to His will. God is changing you and me. As we yield to the work of the Spirit, the person of  the spirit, things happen. In it's not through our efforts. We are faithful, but it is  through the work of God in our lives, through the Holy Spirit, yielding and asking  the Holy Spirit to come into our souls, remembers our soul is our body and our  spirit. So it's at that spirit piece where the Holy Spirit and our spirit connect, and  then more Holy Spirit bubbles in every part of our life. And we have work to do  we have gifts that are given, there's so many gifts of the Holy Spirit. You know,  something like tongues is very controversial. And for those who have tongues,  it's a beautiful thing to just express the bubbling over of God in your life.  Whether that gives a gift to have or not, it's, it's about the bubbling of the Holy  Spirit, not just in tongues if you have or don't have that gift. But in the very  person, the counselor, God himself who lives in us you know, the apostle Paul  saw that in II Corinthians 4 he talks about how he's beaten and destroyed. And  he says, dying, yet we live on. And then a little bit later in II Corinthians 4 he  talks about, we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. Because  what is unseen, is eternal. We are here in this place in time in life. And we are to care for our souls. To live now to proclaim the gospel, to get to heaven and take  as many people with us as possible in the that is how we keep our soul  connected and well cared for decluttered as we walk this path of life, onward  and upward, marching to Zion, together, may God be glorified in your life as you  care and declutter your soul, that your spiritual life yields itself to Jesus Christ in  the fruits of the Spirit may abound in you both now and forever.

Última modificación: martes, 8 de agosto de 2023, 08:37