Liturgy for Believer's Baptism

Welcome and Call to Worship

Officiant: "We gather today in the presence of God and this community to celebrate the baptism of those who have decided to publicly declare their faith in Jesus Christ. As we witness these baptisms, we are reminded of the transformative work of the Holy Spirit and our own commitment to follow Christ."

Opening Prayer

"Heavenly Father, we thank You for this day and for the individuals who are taking this step of obedience and faith. Bless this time of worship and celebration, and may Your Spirit move powerfully among us. Amen."

Praise and Worship

A time of spirited singing and worship, incorporating songs that emphasize the work of the Holy Spirit, the significance of baptism, and the joy of salvation, reflecting the exuberant worship style often found in Pentecostal and Baptist traditions.

Testimonies of Faith

Individuals to be baptized share their testimonies, recounting their journey to faith in Christ and their desire to be baptized. 

Scripture Reading

Passages highlighting the biblical basis for believer's baptism, such as Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 2:38, and Romans 6:3-4, are read, affirming the scriptural foundation for the act of baptism.

Message on Baptism

A brief message explaining the significance of believer's baptism as a public declaration of faith, an act of obedience, and a symbol of death to sin and new life in Christ.

The Baptism

Invocation of the Holy Spirit: A prayer inviting the Holy Spirit to be present and to seal the commitment being made by the individuals.

The Act of Baptism: Each person is immersed in water by the officiant, who declares, "Upon your confession of faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

Prayer and Laying on of Hands: After each baptism, a moment for prayer and, in Pentecostal fashion, the laying on of hands, asking for the filling of the Holy Spirit in the life of the newly baptized believer.

Welcoming the Newly Baptized

The officiant and congregation welcome the newly baptized individuals into the fellowship of believers, affirming their commitment to support and nurture them in their spiritual journey.

Communion (Optional)

The celebration may include the Lord's Supper, emphasizing the unity of the body of Christ and the ongoing significance of Jesus' sacrifice, resonating with the Brethren tradition of close community and shared meals.

Closing Songs and Benediction

Concluding the service with songs of commitment and sending forth, followed by a benediction blessing the newly baptized believers and commissioning them to live out their faith in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Fellowship Time

A time of fellowship and celebration, reflecting the communal aspect of baptism and the joy of spiritual family

Modifié le: mercredi 3 avril 2024, 12:28