Organic Sexuality Theory – GOFMMF

By Henry Reyenga

Grace: "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound" applies to our conversations and actions. Grace recognizes that as we talk about beliefs and theories of reality, we should do so with toleration and gentleness. Grace is the confidence in God's revealed creation and the redemptive work of Christ. We are to love those with whom we disagree while holding firm to our convictions that saved and redeemed us. Grace leaves room for the work of the Holy Spirit as lives are transformed into new creations. Grace is the essence of the Gospel message. It signifies how God enters into lives, draws people into new lives, and inspires new beliefs. Grace points to truth and meets us where we are to make us new. Grace does not harm and judges no one. Grace is a word that draws people to God and heaven. 

Organic – We believe in our Creator, God the Father, who sent His Son to become human and redeem the world. He created all life on this planet and made man and woman in His image as the crown of His creation. He endowed these image-bearing souls, humans, with real bodies, each with the right to be born, and real spirits, each given a will to choose a pathWe believe that the fall of humanity, aided by dark forces, was real and this fall frustrated all of creation. We believe that God is still with us; He sustains this fallen planet, redeems humans, body and spirit, and empowers us to overcome our obstacles and steward our roles to care for and make this planet a place welcoming to His creation.

Female:  A woman born with two X chromosomes is an organic female. 'Organic Female' refers to a female whose biological sex is female and who embodies femininity in a manner that aligns with God's intentions and purposes. This term emphasizes the alignment of biological sex with the principles of biblical womanhood. It highlights that femininity can encompass traditionally viewed as feminine and masculine traits. For example, an Organic Female may exhibit strength, leadership, and assertiveness—qualities often associated with masculinity—in addition to compassion and sensitivity. This concept encourages women to realize their God-given potential across various roles and capacities, promoting a comprehensive embrace of God's design for their personalities and abilities."

Male: A man born with one X and one Y chromosome is an organic male. 'Organic Male' refers to a male whose biological sex is male and who embodies a form of masculinity that aligns with biblical virtues and the character of Christ. This concept integrates one's biological sex with divinely appointed roles and responsibilities. The term acknowledges that masculinity can include traits traditionally viewed as both masculine and feminine, illustrating the complexity and multifaceted nature of God's image. 'Organic Male' suggests that empathy, nurturing, and gentleness—often considered feminine—are essential to a complete expression of godly masculinity. This term encourages men to fully express a range of emotions and characteristics, challenging narrow cultural stereotypes and promoting a more holistic identity."

Marriage and Family: We believe that creational marriage is a monogamous relationship between an organic male and female. While this relationship is not for everyone, for those who choose to enter into this romantic bond, marriage is intended to be a realm where organic males and females experience physical and spiritual oneness through a lifetime of love and fidelity. Marriage is designed by God for companionship, exclusive sexual commitment, procreation, and societal partnership. The unique combination of organic male and female makes this relationship multifaceted, filled with curiosity, learning, and potential for human fulfillment to the glory of God. When marriage bonds break, we morn deeply, but we do not become cynical about this wonderful partnership. 

Family: Family serves as a fundamental foundation in our society and ideally forms within the bonds of a marital union. God values the creation and multiplication of human life. He designed marriage as the primary setting for reproduction, providing a nurturing and supportive environment for raising children. In this divine arrangement, families are intended as safe havens where children are born, nurtured, educated, and prepared to fulfill their life missions. Moreover, God has innately programmed humans for reproduction. However, due to the brokenness introduced by sin, all relationships, including familial ones, face challenges. Despite these difficulties, families are vital and deserve continuous encouragement and grace to thrive and uphold their essential role in society.


Additional Ministry Sciences Terms on Organic Sexuality Theory – A Religious Belief-based Science-affirming Model

  1. Biblical Organic Gender: Refers to the inherent gender identity that God has designed into each person, which aligns with biological sex as created by God. This term emphasizes the coherence between biological sex and gender identity as intended by divine design.
  2. Personhood: This term encompasses the totality of being human, created in the image of God (imago Dei), including one’s gender, sexuality, intellect, emotions, and spirituality. It affirms the dignity and value of every individual as an image-bearer of God. 
  3. Intersex: Intersex represents a biological variation wherein an individual's chromosomal, hormonal, or anatomical sex characteristics diverge from the typical definitions of male or female. Personhood encompasses being human, created in the image of God; thus, intersex individuals, like all people, reflect this divine image. Being intersex is recognized as part of the diversity within God's purposes, affirming the dignity and value of intersex persons as image-bearers of God. In this context, intersex traits are not viewed as challenges to binary gender norms but rather as expressions of the vast and intentional variety within humanity crafted by God. Therefore, intersex individuals are acknowledged and valued for their complete personhood—encompassing their gender, sexuality, intellect, emotions, and spirituality—without necessitating a justification for a spectrum of gender identities.
  4. Biblical Sexuality: Biblical sexuality is defined within the framework of Christian scripture, primarily viewing sexual relations as a sacred, integral part of marriage between one man and one woman. According to the Bible, this relationship is characterized by a deep, covenantal union that reflects God’s intentions for intimacy, love, and procreation. Sexuality is celebrated within marriage, where it is meant to strengthen the bond between spouses and is seen as a gift from God that is pure and devoid of shame when expressed within the marital vows. This view underscores the belief that sexual acts outside of this marital framework are contrary to God’s design and are, therefore, seen as morally and spiritually inappropriate.
  5. Hot Monogamy: A playful yet profound term for the passionate fidelity and exclusive sexual relationship expected within a Christian marriage between one man and one woman. This term emphasizes the joy, pleasure, and sanctity of marital sexual relations.
  6. Holy Masturbation: Holy Masturbation is defined as a practice that aligns with God's intentions for sexual expression, suitable for both single and married individuals. This practice involves learning about or managing sexual responses in a way that stays within the moral boundaries of the marital covenant and maintains purity in thoughts and fantasies. It is an act to be performed moderately and without shame, recognizing sexual acts as gifts from God meant to be enjoyed within the context of marriage. Practitioners of holy masturbation consciously avoid the objectification associated with immoral pornography and instead cultivate their sexual imaginations with pure and respectful thoughts akin to those depicted in the Song of Songs. This method encourages Christians to take responsibility for their thoughts throughout their lives and addresses the inherent shame associated with fallen sexuality by reflecting the biblical design for sexuality. 
  7. Agape Sexual Orientation: Describes a primary relational and sexual orientation towards selfless, sacrificial love—the kind of love (agape) taught and demonstrated by Jesus when he give his life on the cross. This orientation connects the pleasure of sexual response to the submission of a married person to the opposite sex. This approach prioritizes spiritual and relational intimacy based on the New Testament's high call to love others as Christ loved the church.
  8. Redemptive Hospitality: This term refers to extending welcome and acceptance to each other in a manner that mirrors the redemption found in Christ. It involves opening our communities, churches, and homes in a general sense of hospitality and with the specific intention of fostering environments where healing, forgiveness, and spiritual growth can occur. Redemptive hospitality aims to provide a safe space where individuals of all backgrounds, including those wrestling with issues of gender and sexuality, can experience the transforming love of God through meaningful relationships.
  9. Inviting Conversations: This term describes an approach to dialogue that encourages the open, honest, and compassionate exchange of ideas and beliefs. In the context of ministry, inviting conversations seeks to understand before being understood and engage issues of gender, sexuality, and personal identity in a way that respects each person's dignity while also faithfully representing biblical truths. This approach is crucial in discussing sensitive topics, where the goal is to invite deeper reflection and discussion that leads to greater clarity, mutual respect, and spiritual insight.
  10. Cultivated Sexual Orientation: This term acknowledges that sexual orientation can be influenced by natural factors (genetic, biological), nurturing factors (environmental, cultural, relational), religious, spiritual, and broken (sinful) factors. It recognizes that in a world filled with sexualization stained by sin, it can affect aspects of sexual attraction and orientation, leading to complexities in how individuals experience and express their sexuality. Cultivated Sexual Orientation suggests that sexual attraction is not solely a fixed trait (a modernist view), or completely fluid (a postmodernist view), but religious and worldview dimension. A person as an image bearing agent is responsible to glorify God through their organic identity and practices. The agency can be influenced over time through intentional changes in one's beliefs and behaviors, such as through worldview transitioning or spiritual renewal.
  11. Complex Understanding of Human Sexuality: This term encourages a compassionate and complex understanding of sexuality within Christian communities. It allows for discussions that acknowledge the impact of sin on the world, including how it can distort human desires and relationships.
  12. Role of Spiritual Renewal: This term emphasizes the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in all aspects of life, including sexuality. It invites individuals to explore how spiritual renewal can lead to changes in how they view and experience their sexuality, aligning more closely with biblical teachings. 
  13. Worldview and New Creation Transitioning: This term describes how an individual's fundamental understanding of the world—encompassing beliefs about God, human nature, moral values, and the meaning of life—transforms towards a worldview aligned with biblical teachings. Worldview transitioning is especially relevant in ministry contexts where individuals encounter the Christian faith in profound ways that challenge and reshape their previous assumptions and values. It involves intellectual reassessment and a deep spiritual renewal that influences identity, emotions, desires, decisions, and relationships.
  • This concept refers to an individual's evolving perspective, understanding, and spiritual transformations and how these affect their sexuality. Such transitions are intentional and reinforced through biblical teachings and supportive communities. Steps in this journey may involve engaging with Scripture, study, prayer and other intentionality. This approach is designed for individuals who desire to align their sexual identity and practices with the Christian worldview and their renewed identity in Christ.
  • Crucially, this transition is different from conversion therapy, also known as 'reparative therapy,' which uses discredited modernist psychoanalytic techniques sometimes combined with spiritual practices. Worldview Transitioning is a proactive process that enables individuals to resonate with the Christian worldview and spiritual maturity while exercising personal agency. It challenges the determinism of sexual frameworks that do not accommodate the individual's will, supporting those who yearn for biblical sexuality to reconcile their sexual identity, orientation, and attractions with scriptural principles.
  • Operating as a faith-affirming scientific approach, it recognizes each person's autonomy in pursuing change, understanding that changes may come rapidly, slowly, or may not be as comprehensive as desired. Success in this process is gauged by gratitude, curiosity, and obedience with God's design for organic male and female identities, as well as ongoing growth in understanding and practice of biblical sexuality."
  1. Acknowledgment of Situational Influences: By recognizing that sexual orientation can have situational aspects, this term allows for greater empathy and support within the church for individuals who struggle or experience confusion regarding their sexual orientation. It encourages the community to provide a supportive environment where individuals can discuss and address these issues without judgment.
  2. Promoting Holistic Discipleship: Cultivated Sexual Orientation underlines the need for discipleship that addresses comprehensive aspects of personhood, including sexuality. Such discipleship would focus on how individuals can cultivate their identities in Christ, including aspects of their sexual orientation, in ways that honor God and reflect scriptural truths.

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