Married Women's Accountability Bible Study: "Supporting Your Husband's Needs" - A Six-Week Study


This six-week accountability Bible study is tailored for married women seeking to more effectively support their husbands in various aspects of their lives. Each session is dedicated to understanding and nurturing a specific area of a husband's needs—spiritual, emotional, professional, intimacy, and personal growth—using biblical wisdom and practical actions. Through Scripture reading, engaging discussions, and accountability prompts, this course encourages participants to create a loving and supportive marriage environment.

Structure of Each Session

  1. Opening Prayer: Start with a prayer for insight and compassion.
  2. Scripture Reading: Engage with a biblical passage that highlights the week’s focus.
  3. Group Discussion: Delve into how the Scripture applies to supporting your husband's specific needs.
  4. Accountability Questions: Discuss personal challenges and victories in relating to your husband's needs.
  5. Commitment Exercise: Formulate specific, actionable goals to better support your husband.
  6. Closing Prayer: Pray for the ability to meet these goals and for your husband's wellbeing.

Weekly Topics and Scriptures

  • Week 1: Spiritual Needs
    • Scripture: 1 Peter 3:1-2 - Winning him over through behavior and respect, without words.
    • Discussion: How can you support your husband's spiritual journey and encourage his growth?
    • Accountability Question: What spiritual activities can you initiate or participate in together to foster spiritual closeness?
  • Week 2: Emotional Needs
    • Scripture: Proverbs 31:11-12 - The wife of noble character who enriches her husband's heart.
    • Discussion: Explore ways to become a confidante and supporter for your husband's emotional well-being.
    • Accountability Question: Identify an emotional need your husband has expressed; how can you better support him in this area?
  • Week 3: Professional Needs
    • Scripture: Proverbs 18:9 - The importance of diligence as a reflection of character.
    • Discussion: Discuss the role of encouragement and respect in your husband's professional life.
    • Accountability Question: What practical steps can you take to show interest and support for his career ambitions?
  • Week 4: Intimacy Needs
    • Scripture: Song of Solomon 1:2 - Celebrating the joy and intimacy of marriage.
    • Discussion: Consider ways to deepen physical and emotional intimacy in your relationship.
    • Accountability Question: How can you create more moments of closeness and affection in your marriage?
  • Week 5: Personal Growth Needs
    • Scripture: Ephesians 4:15 - Growing in every way more and more like Christ.
    • Discussion: How can you support your husband's personal hobbies, interests, and self-improvement efforts?
    • Accountability Question: What specific personal growth interest of your husband can you encourage this week?
  • Week 6: Bringing It All Together
    • Scripture: Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 - Two are better than one; they have a good reward for their toil.
    • Discussion: Review how supporting your husband in these areas has impacted your relationship.
    • Accountability Question: Reflect on the past six weeks and identify what practices you want to continue.

Commitment Exercise

Each session will encourage setting attainable, measurable goals that enhance support in these key areas. Participants will be asked to report back on their progress, sharing how these efforts are influencing their marriage.


The course concludes with a session dedicated to reflecting on the improvements and ongoing commitments in supporting husbands. Participants will be encouraged to maintain these supportive practices and to keep fostering a loving and nurturing environment in their marriages. This Bible study serves not only to strengthen individual marriages but also to build a community of wives committed to biblical principles and mutual support.

Modifié le: jeudi 2 mai 2024, 06:23