Topic outline

  • About our Degree Programs

    Earn an associate or bachelor's degree in Divinity, Chaplaincy, or Christian Leadership from CLI's Leadership Excellence School. Our degrees help you gain the credibility and skills to pursue your calling from God. Graduates have utilized our degrees to enhance their current ministry roles, find employment, and transfer to other schools into their undergraduate or graduate programs. 

  • Ready to Get Started? Enroll in our Degree Admissions

  • Explore our Degree Programs

    Read each degree description and outcomes below and then click on the degree name to see a list of the required courses for that degree.

    • Designed to help you to become grounded in the Bible and theology, develop a biblical worldview, grow closer to Christ, and serve God in various kinds of Christian ministry and leadership. This degree also provides an excellent foundation if you plan to continue at CLI and earn a bachelor’s degree.



      ·       Summarize the redemptive-historical story of the Bible and identify key truths

      ·       State major elements of a biblical worldview and contrast with other worldviews

      ·       Use spiritual disciplines to commune with Christ and conform to his character

      ·       Explain biblical principles for ministry and best practices for interpersonal communication, healthy relationships, evangelism, and group dynamics in church

      ·       Develop skills to gather information, think critically, and communicate clearly

    • Designed for those who desire to progress further in relationship with God, gain advanced knowledge of the Bible and theology, and serve God in preaching, discipling, and other kinds of ministry. CLI’s Bachelor of Divinity combines elements of Bible college and seminary training. It equips you for ministry, and it also positions you for further study, if desired, in seminary or graduate school. The Bachelor of Divinity provides a double major: a Bible/Theology major and a Ministry major.



      ·       Employ sound principles of interpretation and apply Scripture to contemporary contexts

      ·       Defend the biblical worldview and critique other worldviews

      ·       Biblically assess various doctrinal claims and ministry methodologies

      ·       Recall past missions and revivals, and develop a personal mission plan

      ·       Demonstrate competence in making disciples, preaching, pastoral care, and leadership

      ·       Develop skills to gather information, think critically, and communicate clearly

    • Designed to help you grow closer to Christ, become grounded in the Bible and theology, develop a biblical worldview, and build specific skills for chaplaincy.



      ·       Summarize the redemptive-historical story of the Bible and identify key truths

      ·       State major elements of a biblical worldview and contrast with other worldviews

      ·       Use spiritual disciplines to commune with Christ and conform to his character

      ·       Explain biblical principles for chaplaincy and best practices for interpersonal communication, healthy relationships, and chaplaincy in various settings (such as hospitals, schools, businesses, law enforcement, armed forces, and prisons)

      ·       Develop skills to gather information, think critically, and communicate clearly

    • Designed to build specific skills for chaplaincy on the foundation of a biblical worldview. With this degree, you can help to meet the ever-increasing need for effective chaplains, whether volunteers or paid professionals, whether officially ordained or informally ministering in various settings.



      • Employ sound principles of interpretation and apply Scripture to contemporary contexts
      • Defend the biblical worldview and critique other worldviews
      • Biblically assess various doctrinal claims and ministry methodologies
      • Describe various kinds of chaplaincy and develop a plan for one’s own chaplaincy
      • Demonstrate competence in listening skills, pastoral counseling, and care of souls
      • Develop skills to gather information, think critically, and communicate clearly

    • If you want to deepen your walk with God and be grounded in a biblical worldview before entering the workplace or seeking a bachelor’s degree at another institution, this degree is for you. The Associate of Christian Leadership also positions you well to continue at CLI and earn a bachelor’s degree. All general studies courses required for a four-year bachelor’s degree can be completed while earning this versatile degree.



      ·       Summarize the redemptive-historical story of the Bible and identify key truths

      ·       State major elements of a biblical worldview and contrast with other worldviews

      ·       Use spiritual disciplines to commune with Christ and conform to his character

      ·       Relate biblical principles to a breadth of disciplines required for higher studies and for Christian leadership in various spheres of life

      ·       Develop skills to gather information, think critically, and communicate clearly

    • Designed as a versatile degree to help you to be a well-rounded Christian leader applying a biblical worldview in a wide variety of life situations: business, trades, home, church, ministries. Graduates from high school or home school can earn a degree before entering a trade or master’s level studies. Retirees can strengthen knowledge and increase impact for Christ. The Bachelor of Christian Leadership provides you a double major: a Bible/Theology major and a Ministry major. In addition, you can choose a concentration in an area you want to focus on. If you want a triple major that includes business or philosophy, that is an option with this degree.



      ·       Employ sound principles of interpretation and apply Scripture to contemporary contexts

      ·       Defend the biblical worldview and critique other worldviews

      ·       Biblically assess various doctrinal claims and ministry methodologies

      ·       Demonstrate competence in making disciples, pastoral care, and leadership

      ·       Choose a sphere of influence, relate a biblical worldview to that sphere, and develop leadership abilities within that sphere     

      ·       Develop skills to gather information, think critically, and communicate clearly

  • Christian Leadership Majors & Concentrations

  • Pricing

    Christian Leaders Institute is primarily supported by the generosity of students, churches, and Christian organizations & individuals. While all courses can be taken for 100% free, CLI also has program-specific fees. These fees are invested back into our vision of free Christian education for those who need it most and supporting our staff and accreditation. Because the fees support our mission, they are often referred to as mission shares. The mission shares steward and supports the operations and execution of CLI’s programs.

    Leadership Excellence School's Application Fee: $125

    Associate Degree Administrative Fee: $2,000

    Bachelor's Degree Administrative Fee (for CLI Associate Degree graduates): $2,000

    Students who wish to pursue a Bachelor's degree right away can enter that program and pay $4,000.

    Please note: there is tier-adjusted pricing for those in developing nations. 

    We also have grants and scholarships available. 

    Please email for assistance.

  • Want to Transfer Your Credit or Pursue a Master's Degree?

  • Earned a Degree?