Walls in Marriage that Effect Everything by Henry Reyenga

Spiritual Walls

  • Time
  • Prioritizing
  • Balance

Emotional Walls

  • Women specifically pray for help
  • Intense emotion first goes to God, then to husband. Let these emotions push you to Christ.
  • Express your emotional temperature
  • Taking Care of yourself (take a nap)

Men who don t share emotion

Women who let their emotions control them and their husbands

Men specifically pray for help

  • Don't overreact to the emotions of your Wife.
  • Just Listen, don t fix
  • Ask your wife to help you with expressing your feelings.
  • Beyond...Sad, glad bad and mad.

General Emotional Walls

Previous Relationships, I can't trust men now



Sexual Walls

Attitudes that hinder a healthy sexual relationship.



Past sexual abuse

-Shame for Men

"Your husband's mother might have made him feel ashamed, and as a consequence, your husband might have learned to hide his sexuality from his mom, just as your husband might very well be hiding the depth and frequency of his sexual interest today because he has similar fears-that you will ridicule or shame him for being so sexual. He thinks, that's just the way women are.” Making Sense of the Men in Your Life, Dr. Kevin Leman

 -Shame for Women

Sex is dirty, lower, therefore my husband is perverted

Previous Abuse Issues: therefore sex is emotionally painful

What is O.K. to do in the marriage bed? Private decision between the two of you

The Bible does not condemn oral sex, sexual creativity and fantasy between husband and wife exclusively.

Abusive forms of sexual expression are OUT

Review of Love Languages

On a scale of 1-10 what expressions of love mean the most to you?


Quality Time

Physical Affection



Last modified: Tuesday, August 7, 2018, 8:33 AM