A Hospital Visit by Henry Reyenga

Get Prepared

Pick your scripture ahead of time

Selected passages

Not too long

Memorized passages are appropriate, but in context is important

Dress appropriately

Contact ahead of time

Arrive at Hospital

First Time: Go to Chaplain's Office

Sign up for a card or badge if they offer one

Meet the staff and get connected if possible

Get a map of the facility

Find Room Number

Wash Hands

Walk up-tempo and professional

Check in at the nurses' station, do not ask how the patient is doing.

Knock gently on the door as you are entering, identify yourself

Meeting in the Room

Instead of saying, "How are you? "

Say, "I am so glad to see you.” Or "Hi George, I am here to visit a little bit”

In your mind, the visit should last between 5 and 15 minutes.

Be Encouraging, but stay away from needing to give "Answers”

Listen more than talk

When the patient is present, don't talk about them as if they are not there

Ask the patient or family the plan of treatment

A Passage Read

As you are winding down your visit, announce that you have picked a scripture passage, unless the patient has one he/she want you to read. Sort of ask for permission

Announce that you are going to pray... The material for the prayer would have been given to you in the visit

Exit with a sincere smile

May leave your card

Leave a booklet or encouraging track if desired.

Talk with the family and ask if the church can do anything?


Leaving the Hospital

Wash hands

Return visit depending on situations

Training Opportunities

Elder/deacon Training

Pastor Mentorship


Family meetings HIPAA laws

Visitors from Church

Health of Spouses and needs of families

Last modified: Wednesday, August 14, 2019, 9:31 AM