Ben Ingebretson M.Div., M.A.
God alone gives the gifts for ministry.

Many personality types are successful church planters.

Many church planting models and designs can be successful.

The best predictor of success as a church planter is behavioral.  Past behavior predicts the future.
Dr. Charles Ridley has studied the behaviors of thousands of church planters.  His research has shown that church planters that practice certain behaviors are more likely to be successful.

The Ridley model is the basis for a free assessment you will receive at the end of this session.

The following are the key planter behaviors:
Behavioral Assessment: Primary

Visioning Capacity
They have a history of starting projects and organizations from nothing.
They overcome obstacles and generate resources.  They stay committed.
They initiate action, have vision and draw others into the plan.

Behavioral Assessment: Primary
Intrinsic Motivation

They maintain a busy schedule with energy.
They use time well and accomplish much.
They do not need outside prodding.
They always give their very best.
Behavioral Assessment: Primary
Creating Ownership of Ministry

They inspire others mobilize for ministry
They give away duties to others.
They develop others to their potential.
They help and mentor others to become leaders and use their gifts.
Behavioral Assessment: Primary
Reaching the Unreached

They have many current unchurched relationships. They are often with them.
They have multiple examples of those they have led to Christ.
 They have discipled many new believers they have led to Christ.
Behavioral Assessment: Primary
Spousal Support

Does the couple have a clear sense of their roles in ministry?
Is their marriage tested and strong?
Are both husband and wife united in their commitment to church planting?
Secondary Behavioral Qualities
Effectively Builds Relationships
      People skills, many friends, easy to relate to
Committed to Church Growth
     Grown ministry, learning new methods
Responsive to Community
      Met specific community needs.  
Utilizes the Giftedness of others
      Helps others know and use their spiritual gift.
Secondary Behavioral Qualities
10. Flexibility and Adaptability
       Keeps an open mind and changes as needed.
11. Building Groups
       Starts small groups that are effective
      Can bounce back after a difficult set back.
13. Exercises Faith
       Demonstrates spiritual vitality & call to planting

Scoring a Ridley Behavioral Assessment

The first five categories are the most important.
The amount of “data” or specific examples merits a higher score.
The intensity or complexity of an example merits a higher score.
Each category is scored individually 1=low, 5=high and then all scores are collected.  
A Ridley should be scored by a trained professional.     

Discover Your Own Personal Behavioral Assessment Score - Optional (& Paid) 

Go to

Follow the steps to 1. Create an account and 2. Take the free assessment.   This will take you about 90 minutes.   

Última modificación: miércoles, 7 de febrero de 2024, 10:00