Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Customer Excellence

•Retaining loyal customers
•Customer Service

Operational Excellence

Operational Excellence is the execution of the business strategy more consistently and reliably than the competition. Operational Excellence is evidenced by results. Given two companies with the same strategy, the Operationally Excellent company will have lower operational risk, lower operating costs, and increased revenues relative to its competitors, creating value for customers and shareholders.

Product Excellence

Having products with high perceived value and effective branding and positioning

•Product leadership as a competitive strategy aims to build a culture that continuously brings superior products to market. Here product leaders achieve premium market prices thanks to the experience they create for their customers.
•The corporate disciplines they cultivate include:
•Research portfolio management
•Product management
•Talent management
•Product leaders recognize that excellence in creativity, problem solving and teamwork is critical to their success.

Locational Excellence

Locational Excellence is a method of achieving excellence by having a strong physical location and or internet presence.

The Marketing Plan

Última modificación: martes, 14 de agosto de 2018, 08:32