What is Financial Success?

Why do you work?

To Make Money

Why do you need money?

To earn a living?

To survive?

To put food on the table?

To put the kids through college?

To save for retirement?

Could You Stop Working
If You Wanted To?

If yes, why don’t you do it?

If no, why not?

What would happen?

What is the worst case


Where Do You See Yourself?

In 1 year?

In 3 years?

In 5 years?

In 10 years?

In 25 years?

In 50 years?

What Does Financial Success Mean to You?

What comes to mind when you hear the words

“Financial success”?




Money, Riches, Investments, Gold, Diamonds?


Homes, Land, Cars, Business?


Vacations, Travel, Time to do whatever you want?


Freedom, Security, Satisfaction, Accomplishment, Be your own boss, Fulfillment?

How Do You “Get There”?


Work hard, Good safe secure job, Benefits, Climbing the corporate ladder?


Education, Training, Skills, Graduate School?


Born into the right family, marriage, business relationships (it’s not what you know… it’s who you know), networking, schmoozing, kissing up, etc.


Good looks, Good luck, Take a risk and Win?

There is a Better Way to “Get There”

Financial Success is NOT random or based on luck.

It is a science that can be taught and can be learned!

It requires

A Desire to Learn

Investing the Time to Learn

Meditating on what you learn

Putting into practice or action what you learn

In this seminar we will discuss the:

WHAT – desire you want to accomplish

HOW – steps to achieve it

WHY – motive why you want this

Without a clear understanding of WHAT you want and WHY you want it, the HOW, WHEN, and WHERE don’t matter as much…

Our Forefathers Fought to Give Us Freedom!

War for Independence

Civil War to Abolish Slavery

Modern Slavery – Financial Bondage

Although we think we are “free” men and women, the reality is we are modern-day slaves.

Why? Can you stop working tomorrow?

Why Not? – DEBT!

Would you willingly become someone’s physical slave?

Yet you have become a financial slave to the system – e.g. credit cards!

You Must FIGHT for your own Freedom, your Future, your Family and ultimately your DESTINY!

You can be free from debt and the control of money over your life.

Like losing weight – No one else can do it for you.

YOU Have to Fight For Your Own Financial Freedom!


It takes determination, but you CAN DO IT!

What is Financial Literacy?

What is missing from educated people who struggle financially in their education is not how to make money, but how to spend money.

What you do with the money once you make it, how to keep people from taking it from you, how long you keep it, and how hard that money works for you.

Most people don't understand cash flow.  A person can be highly educated, professionally successful and be financially illiterate.

 - Robert Kiyosaki

Invest in Your Financial Intelligence

“Money is one form of power.  But what is more powerful is financial education.  

Money comes and goes, but if you have the education about how money works, you gain power over it and can begin building wealth.

Learn how money works so you can make it work for you.

Be financially competent.

Intelligence solves problems and produces money.  Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone.

Illiteracy, both in words and numbers, is the foundation of financial struggle.  If people are having difficulties financially, there is something that they cannot read, either in numbers or words. 

- Robert Kiyosaki

The Seeds of Failure and Success

What do you “see”?

A Fruit

What do you “see” now?

The Tree that created the fruit

The Seeds of Failure and Success

What do you “see” this time?

The “invisible” roots?

And now?

The seeds that created the tree

Cause and Effect

Most people see the Effect, but never take the time to Think about the Cause behind the effect.

 People “see” a beautiful building, a growing business, or a successful person and assume its due to good luck.

People see poverty and starvation in Africa or war in the Middle East and assume it is the result of unfortunate circumstances.

There is a “Cause” behind the Effect.

There is a “Tree” that gave birth to the Fruit.

In life, we “see” the Fruit. We don’t “see” the Seed that created the Fruit. 

The Laws of Seedtime and Harvest

The Laws of Seedtime and Harvest

The seed is first, then the harvest.  You cannot harvest if you do not plant a seed first.  It is always this way: A then B, not B then A.

To grow the seed needs the right environment.  The seed cannot grow unless you plant it, water it, fertilize it, let the sun warm it, and give it the proper environment for it to grow.  

 The seed needs to stay planted to grow.  You cannot pluck it up every other day to see if it is growing.  You need to trust that even when you are not seeing results, they are happening in the invisible world.

 A seed will produce fruit after its own kind.  In other words, an apple seed will result in an apple tree that gives apples.  A walnut will result in a walnut tree that yields walnuts.  You cannot plant an apple seed and expect walnuts. Life does NOT work that way.  

 The process takes time and patience.  A seed will not turn into a tree overnight.  And a tree will not yield fruit overnight either.  Both take time.  This requires patience, persistence, perseverance, and faith that in due time the results will come to pass. 






Thoughts Become Reality

The Beliefs, Values, Attitudes, Character, Thoughts, (invisible mental seeds) plus the Methods, Habits, Thought Patterns, and Financial Statements (invisible soil, heat and water) that are needed to transform your Dreams into Reality!

You will learn to understand and “see” how the “invisible” world works that allows you to achieve the “visible” results that you want.

It all starts in the mind… and eventually your thoughts transform themselves into their physical equivalents.

Thoughts Bear Fruit After Their Kind

Financial Failure?     OR

Financial Success?

Thoughts Bear Fruit After Their Kind

Financial Failure?     OR

Financial Success?

Thoughts Bear Fruit After Their Kind

Financial Failure?     OR

Financial Success?

Laying the Foundations of
Financial Success

Laying the Foundations









That Lead to Financial Success

our dreams, 

our visions, 

our goals and 

our plans which lead to our achievements in life

The Prosperity of All Depends on YOU

The prosperity of a country depends on the prosperity of each state.

The prosperity of each state depends on the prosperity of each city.

The prosperity of each city depends on the prosperity of each business and church.

The prosperity of each business and church depends on the prosperity of each family.

The prosperity of each family depends on the prosperity of each individual.

Your individual prosperity is the foundation that can change your life, your family, your church, your business, your city, your state, your country, and ultimately change the world!

Change Starts One at a Time

Change Starts with YOU!

We often want circumstances to change.  We want others to change.  We vote for politicians who promise change.  Yet the reality is that change and prosperity starts one at a time!  It all starts with YOU!

"Change begins with the simple step of changing yourself.“ – Tony Robbins

How to Change?

We need to develop:

A New Mindset

A New Mentality

A New Perspective

A New Understanding

A New Dream

A New Motivation


Are you Ready for Change?

"How to Create Lasting Change

Raise Your Standards

Change Your Limiting Beliefs

Change Your Strategy“ 

– Tony Robbins

"Permanent changes are quite possible.  Such changes require predetermined planning and meticulous and continued discipline to overcome the bias towards a particular direction.”

- Peter J. Daniels

Change takes time… 

A tree is not born overnight and does not give fruit overnight.  It is the same with your wealth tree.  It takes time, effort, investment – it takes years… but it’s worth it!

Are you ready for change?

In life the only thing that is constant is Change!

BREAKTHROUGH THOUGHT: You are either moving forward or you’re moving backward and being left behind.

Teach a Man How to Fish

“Give a man a fish – Feed him for a day…”

“Teach a man how to fish - Feed him for a lifetime.” – Steven Covey


最后修改: 2019年05月28日 星期二 11:13