Sexuality &
God’s Story

Worldview and Story 


Understand how our life stories of singleness, marriage, family, and sexuality are meant to put the Gospel story of Jesus on display

Be aware of how the biblical story should shape singleness, marriage, family, and sexuality

Be equipped to engage topics such as singleness, marriage, the meaning of sex, bioethics, and LGBT+ concerns

Defining Worldview

Definition: “The comprehensive framework of one’s basic beliefs about things.” - Al Wolters, Creation Regained, p.2


Worldview: Belief and action

Cognition vs. action: “Belief is a decisive factor in our lives even though our professed beliefs may be at variance with the beliefs that are actually operative in our lives” (Wolters, 6).

Confessional vs. convictional beliefs 

Last modified: Wednesday, June 10, 2020, 5:40 AM