Anger’s impact on Health & Wellness

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Building Healthy Relationships: 

  • Be honest is not a policy, it is more... it is a way of life. 
  • Be loving, recognize all are worthy of dignity and respect
  • Be congruent, spend time ensuring your words and actions match


  • Be your best self more often
  • To act with precision is to act with clarity 

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Defensive Behavior Triggers 

Stop: Control, Blame, Judgement, Indifference, Misinformation

Practice: Freedom, Blamelessness, Evaluation, Objectivity, Seek the truth

Remain Detached, Consider a 'time-out', Focus on behavior 

Predictor of Healthy Relationships

  • Empathy - identifying with the feelings or thoughts of another person. 
  • To empathize - require putting ourselves in someone else's shoes
  • Obstacles to empathy: Prejudging a situation, making assumptions

Empathy has three stages: 

1. Recognize everyone has their own unique filter.

2. Accept the fact as a wise system. 

3. The first two are required to crawl into another's filter to see how the world looks from there. 

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Common Ground so Meaning is Shared 

Session #12 Anger's impact on Health & Wellness

Stress is life.  It is your bodies non-specific response to outside stimuli.

There are to types:

EU-Stress – Good Stress, energy stress, it is feel-good stress, stress that produces        Excitement

DIS-Stress – Bad Stress, saps your energy, it is lethargic feeling stress, stress that produces                 Un-wanted fears and behaviors

The Deadly Duo it produces, Fear and Guilt, take over and strip confidence and a sense of Self right out from under you.  Misery can follow and the prolonged period of this can have devasting effects on all seven areas of life mentioned early and listed here:

Physical         Mental            Spiritual         Social             Career                                   Financial      Family

The physical changes in the body can be:

•Increase in Heart Rate      • Sweaty Palms       • Blood Pressure Rises

• Headache               • Muscle Tenseness          • Upset Stomach

The impact needs to be acknowledged to cope using defensive action.  It needs to be directed at finding the normalcy, stolen in a flash or slowly due to unwanted distress producing events.  

Strategies to Manage the Stress of Life:

Distress is dangerous, it creates.... The Deadly Duo: fear and guilt

The physical changes in the body can be: 

  • Increase in Heart Rate
  • Headache
  • Sweaty Palms
  • Muscle Tenseness
  • Blood Pressure Rises
  • Upset Stomach

Exorcise the Fear & Guilt based distress anger brings on: 

Named: Be specific

Seen: Its effect

Placed: Triggers

Faced: Worst Outcome

Tested: Realistic

Banished: Take Action

Name the stress and be as specific as possible.  Five sense the effect the stress is having on your life. Decide to change attached to a specific time when the resolution will be in place.  Keep track of the triggers you have identified while exploring others unknown until they present themselves. Do a “what’s the worst thing that can happen” two column exercise with a pen and paper writing down a representation of what you are facing. Test different approaches to addressing things that cause discomfort.  Let’s say you find emails stressful.  Create an environment that is different that the one you typically answer them in.  It might be as simple as surrounding yourself with things you like, tea/coffee for example, deliberately made for the occasion. Take a new action or create a picture of a different way you plan to handle the stress that is different than the way you have handled it before.

Final Word...

The 12 Anger Management sessions in this course will add another step on the preparation to live, manage, and teach others according to many Bible references. 
  • Jesus said "the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I am coming that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10

Last modified: Friday, November 20, 2020, 8:32 AM