Video Transcript: Guitar - Picking

All right, we learned a little bit on strumming. Next, we want to tackle picking. Now a lot of different ways to pick I'm going to show you, I think the two simplest patterns that there are. The first pattern is only with songs that are three, four time.

For example, Silent Night 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3, three four time times and then 1 2 3 feel, it's it's really a waltz waltzes are three times. So if you ever if you're listening to a song, and you feel like doing the waltz, it's in three four time. And three four time is really easy to pick that this is the pattern that I want to teach you first with three four tie, what you want to do is you want to start off with the lowest note in the chord. So in the in the chord of G, this is the lowest note. So my thumb is going to play the lowest note. And then I'm going to play the top three notes of the chord. So in the key of G, here's the lowest note. And here's the three top notes. And I'm going to take my fingers, so my thumb is the low one, that my first finger has third string, second string,

last string. So I go each finger gets its own string. And then what I want to do is go right back down. So I go 1 2 3 4 5 6 take the thumb 1 the next 2 3 4 5 6 by just going up and coming back down. (picking) So So now you notice I'm playing the D chord. Remember, the lowest note of D is right here. It just happens to be right next to the other three. I'm doing just exactly the same thing I was doing with the G sees that the D chord only uses four string. So now I'm at the D.

I go up and I go. (picking) then the C. Amazing Grace, Amazing Grace is also a three four. (picking) Then I go down to the relative minor. (picking) So three four times very easy because you just go over to the highest rank and you just come right back down. So it's very simple. But four four time, we have two more strings to play. So we have to add something so for in the key of G, you do the same thing you did before you start with the low note the next three and then you go back down but this time you don't you go you go down to the third so it's 1 2 3 4 5 6. Now we have two more to do. So we just go to the top string and then the string next to it. So it's 1 2 3 4 Down Up here again. (picking) 

So the key of D (picking) Just I keep playing that same pattern over and over again. And then as you as you grow and as you learn, you can start mixing different patterns. And sometimes you play two notes at the same time. But if you just get this simple pattern down, you'll be able to play almost any song, can you just strum it or to break it up a little bit, and sometimes a little slow song, it's really nice to go to pick the song. And here again, with the guitar, you're picking and playing all these different notes, but you don't have to read the music. You don't have to know what all the notes are. You just look at the paper and it says D. with me, I mean six different notes not even knowing the names. So that's what makes guitar a whole lot easier. That's enough for now on picking.

Последнее изменение: четверг, 15 октября 2020, 09:59