Big questions

  • Who is God? What has God done?
  • Am I born of God, eternally alive?
  • How can I commune with God?
  • How should I relate to others?
  • How do I know right and wrong?
  • How can I detect and reject lies?
  • Why is the world the way it is?

God’s children know

  • “children of God” (6x)
  • “born of God” (5x)
  • “know” (29x)

I write … so that you may know that you have eternal life… We know that we are children of God. (5:13, 19)

Clear contrasts

  • light or dark, sin or righteousness
  • truth or lies, love or hate, life or death
  • eyewitnesses or false prophets 
  • Christ or antichrists, God or idols
  • love God or love the world
  • children of God or children of devil

最后修改: 2021年08月3日 星期二 15:30