Meet CLI Provost Dr. David Feddes

Hi. I'm David Feddes. Welcome to Christian Leaders Institute. I'm the provost here at CLI, and I am excited that you are going to be studying with CLI. I got involved with CLI because I hear the words of Jesus and see how they apply today. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray that the Lord will send workers into his harvest field. The Lord has great things in store and many people who need him, but he also needs people who have the ability and the training to introduce others to himself. And that's why I'm excited to be involved with Christian Leaders Institute. 

Let me tell you just a little bit about myself. I grew up in Montana on a ranch. And when I was growing up, I had a sense that perhaps the Lord was calling me into ministry. I came to know the Lord as a young boy, and I really came to love the Lord and desire that others would know him too. And then, I went to Calvin Theological Seminary and later got my doctorate from Trinity International University as part of my training. 

Over the years, God has given me the opportunity to minister in various settings. I'm the pastor of a local church. I've been a church planter of that church. I have served in a broadcast ministry for 16 years - an international broadcast ministry. So, I was involved with people from many different nations. And I also was involved with Cross Road Bible Institute, which does training and Bible teaching for people in prison. And so, God has given me a variety of different kinds of ministry experiences and opportunities for education. And I've also been exposed to the things that God is doing in many different parts of the world. 

CLI has a tremendous calling in that. We want to see God's work advance and his Kingdom grow in the world. And one of the things we talk about a lot at CLI is revival. Revival begins personally. It begins with you, with the Holy Spirit making Jesus real to you and strengthening your walk with him, and empowering you to connect with others and to help teach them and lead them to the Lord. And so, we want to have personal revival. We want to have revival and reformation of doctrine, of understanding of God's truth, and revival of the church and of the advancement of the Kingdom worldwide. 

CLI is about training revival leaders. And I'm excited to be involved in that. And I'm excited that you're interested in becoming a revival leader, that you want to know the Lord better, that you want to develop your talents and your abilities and your skills, that you want to grow in knowledge and competence to serve the Lord and to build his Kingdom. May God bless you in your journey at CLI and as you become equipped to be a revival leader.

Last modified: Monday, August 1, 2022, 12:25 PM