Connect to the Christian Leaders Community

Well, hello. You have learned about your calling, about competence, confidence, and credibility as a Christian leader. It's now time to get you connected with the Christian Leader family. You are a part of a robust community of Christians around the globe. Many have even completed training or are studying like you are. And it's time to get joined in fellowship, because we are called to build one another up and to fellowship as brothers and sisters in Christ.

So, let's look at how you can get connected with this community. Here I am. And first, I want to point out our global directory, which I've talked about, is for recognition globally for those of you that choose to be on our directory. One thing I want to ask you is look at how many students are in your particular country. As I'm recording this, 44,000 students have completed this first class and have been actually initiated into studies. You can see here where they are around the world. So, I challenge you to look and see who is in your country or your state. In this case, for me, I'm in Michigan as I'm recording this. So, I'm going to go look at what students are in Michigan. You can see 1,079 are in Michigan. And some choose not to be in the directory, so you can see a little bit of that different number. But I can go and view them. And I can be encouraged and read their testimonies and what they're doing and what they completed at Christian Leaders, when they joined. All of that is here for you to see. So, I highly encourage you to look through this and see how many students are in your country.

Now, let's go in as a student. This is where you're going to find some of the other ways of connecting. There are quick links within this class, but I wanted to also show you where you can always find links. So, at the bottom of your home page, you can see that there are quick links. And any time, we add a social media or a spot, we will add it down here in the quick links. So, regardless of what is all here currently, you may find other things. 

First, I want to highlight, if you have a prayer request, we have volunteer chaplains who are dedicated to praying for your needs, especially if it's a private need. So, I do want to point this out that you can submit prayer or praise requests. Also, we do actually have a prayer group as well on Facebook if you have a more public prayer request that you want to share. We also have a Facebook page where you can stay connected with us and see what we're doing. We have a YouTube channel that you can subscribe to and stay informed. That's where we post our weekly news. We have a Christian Leader Network - our very own network for just communicating with people who are students at Christian Leaders. And we also have the global directory, which I showed. And we have an unofficial group led by volunteers, which is called CLI Student Thursday. They do a lot of helping and encouragement within your courses.

Also, down here, you can see there's the Get Social button. There's our Facebook, our Network, and our YouTube. So, if you go to one of these, you will see what we post. You can stay updated with what we're saying and whatnot. You'll have to log in. Our network, you can create an account on our network and get connected. So, you could go ahead and go to the network. In this case, I'm already logged in, but you can see that it's a robust community where you can stay updated with people. There I am with my little baby, and we are working on this course, which I am recording right now. So, you can see the fellowship that can take place with just students here on the network where you can create an account. 

And then our YouTube, that's where you can get those weekly updates from us. We even go live sometimes on YouTube. So, I highly encourage you. You can even watch some of our previous videos and you can get subscribed to our channel. 

Those are just some of the ways that you can connect. Those are probably the best ways you can connect. But if you have any questions on getting connected with the community, feel free to email, and we would be happy to get you further plugged in and connected. But most of it, you should be able to find on the quick links and even within this course. So, welcome to the family.

Остання зміна: четвер 2 грудня 2021 08:11 AM