Christian Leaders College Degree Programs

Well, hello. It's Abby Dominiak, and I would like to talk about Christian Leaders College, which is one of the branches of Christian Leaders Ministries. Christian Leaders College provides associate and bachelor degrees, which is something that many of you need in the role of ministry that you're seeking. Especially if you're called to do part-time or full-time ministry, an associate and bachelor's degree is required for many roles in ministry in both local churches and in ministry and businesses. So, I want to encourage those of you that know that the college program and getting a degree is going to be the right route for them.

I am actually a Bachelor of Divinity graduate, and I have received my associate and bachelor's in divinity and I have taken it from Christian Leaders College and transferred it to one of the master partners that Christian Leaders College has. So, now, I am going to Ohio Christian University and receiving a master's in business administration and a master's in ministry of arts.

So, within this master program, if you know that you're going to need master level training, you can transfer our bachelor degree into a master program with some of the partner accredited colleges that we have. Right now, we have applicant status for USDE accreditation and are in the process of receiving it ourselves. So, know that. If you have further questions, there is more linked below. And there might be more that answer about the transferring option as well. So, please read the material below me as well if you know that the college degree is going to be the right route for you. 

Now, I want to show you just a little bit about the options we have available and what you would need to do to get started. Over here, I'm at the home page where we have our updates. I want to remind you of the guidance and credential panel and that we have degree programs listed on the college credential panel. So, we have an associate and bachelor of divinity. We have associate and bachelor of chaplaincy, and we have an associate and bachelor of Christian leadership. If you get the Christian leadership degree, you can receive concentrations in these areas or majors. So, you can get a bachelor in Christian leadership with a major in Christian business. 

You can click on these - again, I just want to remind you of this - and it will tell you exactly what you need to take in order to receive this degree. The first step for you, if the degree program is going to best fit you and give you credibility as a Christian leader, is to take our college admissions. You can enroll in this after you complete part 2 of this course. In this Christian Leaders admissions course, you can read more about some of the questions that might not be answered in this video or the information below. So, there are a lot of FAQs. It talks about our catalogue, handbook. What are the fees, the accreditation? You establish readiness, you make sure you have a well-written profile, all of the things that you would need to do to adhere to the standards of accreditation.

So, this would absolutely be your next step if you feel called to take the college, because you know, as a Christian Leader, that is the credibility that you're going to need to serve in the role of ministry that God has called you to. And as a bachelor graduate myself, I just want to encourage you that these studies, to be in Christian Leaders College, the courses are still completely free to you. Yes, there are some small administrative fees in order to be in the degree program and to get admitted into the college. But we keep them as low as possible, still by the generosity of others. And while in the college, you can still take all of the courses completely free - as many as you want - even ones that aren't required for your bachelor, associate, or whatever degree you're pursuing. 

But I do want to encourage you, if you cannot afford the degree, even the small administrative fees we have, we do have a scholarship program available. And if you are looking to get into that scholarship program, you can find that within the courses as well. I also, again, want to just encourage you. It will bless your life - the courses, the accountability of being in the degree program. It will help raise you up, equip you further, and get you ready to serve. Or even if you're already serving in a role of ministry and want to have more accountability and credibility in that role, the degree program will be an incredible fit for you. 

If you have further questions about Christian Leaders College, and again, they're not answered in this video or below or in our college admissions, you can email, and our registrar department will help assist you in getting admitted and answering any questions you have about the college program. God bless you.

Остання зміна: четвер 2 грудня 2021 08:21 AM