Henry Reyenga and Steve Elzinga back. Today we're going to talk about worldview worldview.  And what's interesting is a lot of universities or colleges that you might attend, they just won't tell you what their worldview is. Maybe it's materialistic worldview, maybe it's some other  religion or some other, you know, some philosophy of life, and they just don't, they just don't  tell you what it is. Right. So we thought, we said that we, both of us are philosophy people,  right. And we also Dr. Roy Clouser, a famous philosopher, who is one of our teachers here, he  says that everybody has a worldview, their belief systems that operate, and we think you  should know what Christian Leaders College Institute is all about. So where are we going to  start? Well, first start with God is the Creator. Right. And he made all things and good  learning. Dr. Roy Clouser. This is his term says that God's creation is irresistibly self evident.  So when we study, first of all, we see that he has revealed himself in God's creation. And  that's what Romans 1:20 says, For since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen being understood from what has  been made. So that men are without excuse. One of the things that Dr. Clouser talks about is,  is that okay, so how do we know there's a sun? How do we know there's night and day? Well,  if it's the day, there's this, like, hot thing in the sky. Okay. And but I can tell you, No, I think it's night. No, it's not night, it's day, well, how come where there is a hot thing in the sky, and it's  warm, and it basically you get a sunburn. Now, I could resist the truth of daytime, constantly,  but it would be irresistibly self evident, that God has revealed that there is day and there is  sun. Now, this is so important, because a lot of philosophy today are questioning everything  out there, you know, male, female, this that everything in what's not Dr. Clouser talks about is that God has revealed it, not only is it self evident, but so much of this is irresistibly self  evident. Right? So when you see creation, you see the beauty the wonder, and will someone  say, well, it just happened, right? There's some mechanistic thing that happened in the  universe, Big Bang, or whatever it might be. There's different philosophies of it. And, you  know, there's evidence of this and evidence of that, but the world coming into existence. For  one thing, you know, people, scientists can't explain why there's a world at all. All right, why  there was anything to Bing Bang about in the first place, right? Where did this material come  from? Right? And if it always existed, how did we get to this moment? If you can go forever  into the past? Right? How would you ever get to this moment? We can't explain it, we can't  explain time, we can't explain. Space, like does it go on forever and ever? And if it doesn't, is  there like a wall that says this is now the end of the universe? Well, what's on the other side  of the ball? Right, right. So are the basic things that you know the basic questions of life, we  really can't explain it all, unless there's some kind of intelligence, something that created it.  So that's what we believe. Christian Leaders Institute, college. And in historic theology,  terminology, we're going to give you a little these, like academic literacy words. There's this  thing called general Revelation, the book of creation, is to be read with curiosity, and careful  investigation. So we love science. We love algebra. We love all the astronomy, we love it all  because God's book of creation is before us. Right? So Christians are not grumpy against  science is study. We Well, the more we study about everything around us, the more we are  going to know about God. That's that's our study, right? We see the finger, the handwriting,  the fingerprint of God everywhere, right. And Christians have a positive attitude. Right? Right, we want to learn more. We also have a belief that there is more than what we can observe  with science. So explain that a little bit, Steven, in how you understand what we observe.  We've always been wrong by what we observe. Right? I mean, I don't know, do you have a  pencil or something around here? Your have a pen okay. Let me show you something that they can observe. Okay. All right. So here, is that? Just hold that pen? Is that a regular pen?  Because it is a regular hard pen. It looks hard? I want you to watch very carefully. Does it look  like it's bending? It's wobbly. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Yeah. So what you're observing, is this bending thing, like it's actually bending but it's not bending. It's, it's an optical illusion. In other words,  what you see is not reality. Right? So often, there's things like neuroscience comes up with  theories to try to explain what happens, right? But often the they come up with a theory that  they can't really see. Right? So before the atoms, you know, before we can see atoms, they  they came up with this theory about stuff and they go does this seem to fit? Right? They go?  Well, right now it seems to fit until we find something better, right? At one time, scientists 

thought that the sun was the center of the universe, right? And then they made models that  made that set and then right at some point, now, I guess that's not true. Actually, the Earth  goes around the sun. So and then they came up with models that made that fit. So there's  more than what we can see. And all the basic hard questions of life, where did it all come  from? What is time? It is time go on forever? How does time go on forever. Those things you  can't grab hold of you can't see. Right. And though God is everywhere, in the end, we can't  totally figure it out. But we see the incredible design to everything you really can't figure out  in science and all so we are positive in science we're positive on the journey of discovery. And  we believe that in the natural world, God reveals Himself that's why we call it general  revelation, God is revealing himself. So we can learn from anything in this world has to offer.  So what are some examples of that? Well, here's one to think about. So humans, the Bible  talks like the Psalm 139:13, and 14 for you created my inmost being, you knit me together in  my mother's womb, I praise you because I'm fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are  wonderful. I know that full well and back to Dr. Clouser's term it's, irresistibly self evident that  the human is a creation, a masterpiece of the living God. With 4 trillion synapses in our brain,  able to do all of these things is like it's clear level general revelation, and we will figure it all  out. But it is all there, right? That's pretty amazing. II Timothy 3:14. But as for you continue in  what you have learned, and have become convinced of because you know, those from whom  you learned, and how from infancy you have known the holy scriptures, which are able to  make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All scripture is God breathed and is  useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. So we know that God  revealed, He created the world, we can read about that in Genesis, chapter one and two. In  yet, there's something not complete about general revelation, we can learn about God with  what we see. But we don't know specifically his character, or what his goal in life is or what  His purpose is or why He created us, right. So we learn a lot about God in general revelation  out there in the world, right. But God teaches us specifically who he is, and what he's up to  what's going on. explaining what what's going on in this world, through what we call special  revelation, which is the Bible. So biblical revelation. So there's general revelation in  terminology, we didn't write that down here. But there's special revelation, which is the Bible  God, in a very special way through a period of 1000s of years, inspiring men to write down  Revelation, John Calvin, a lens by which we can interpret all of life, a love letter, other  theologians have said, a relational book of connecting the God of the universe, with you and  me. So now, what that book tells us, and I suppose general Revelation tells us that there's  something not quite right. Something there was there was a, there's something beautiful  about the world, right? Human beings, everything, right. And in special revelation, the word of God, we realize, we read that God created it, he provided a perfect environment. Everything  was great. Adam and Eve, there were fruit trees. They had no needs, everything was great.  And then something went wrong. And by the way, it's interesting that every movie that's ever  been made follows this pattern, right? You watch a movie, and they have the setting, oh, this  is right, nice. And something this is wonderful. And here's a family or here's the thing, and  then something goes wrong. Within the first 5-10 minutes of the movie, something goes  wrong. And then the rest of the movie is about, how do we get out of this mess. So this  Genesis chapter three, about what went wrong. So the special biblical Revelation tells us  something about all of us who have ever lived. And I made a point before even creation, you'll see by death and decay, and so many things that is, as Dr. Clouser would say, it's a self  evident truth. If something's broken, something's broken. So, so God has a garden, for Adam  and Eve, our parents. And they have two trees, the tree of knowledge, and the Tree of Life The tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life. And the tempter comes along the arch  enemy of God, a created angel, powerful angel that falls away. And God allows Satan to tempt Adam and Eve. To choose the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil to be like God. Yes. Yes,  he. It's interesting that in Genesis three comes. And he says to Adam, he says, Did God say  that you can't eat any fruit of the trees in the garden, which is insane, right? That's ludicrous.  That's a total exaggeration. Right? So then then Eve says, No, of course. Of course we can eat the fruits of the trees, we're just not allowed to eat the one in the middle. Then Satan says.  Let's talk about that one in the middle. Do you know why? God is withholding that one 

disqualifying you. And you know what you're missing? Do you know what he's trying to  withhold from you. You could be like God. So I'm returning a reiterating this because this is  still the tactic today. You have you know, why did this Why did Satan come to an exaggerated  because exaggeration gets your attention. So in our world today, when you see headlines  and, and Facebook feeds, and everything is exaggerated, yeah, everything is to the extreme.  Everything is sensational. Why? It grabs your attention. That's all the devil was doing that let  me get your attention. Right, once I have your attention. Now, I can manipulate you, right?  And that's the sin filled world that we see a world that gets manipulated. You know, it's  fascinating to think about this, that, that all of us if we were putting a garden when God  allowed Adam and Eve that he God did not create robots program to automatically run to the  tree of life. He made image bearers Free to Choose life or not to choose the Tree of Life, right? A lot of people wonder, well, why did he put this tree in the middle in the garden in the first  place. Right? And and notice it was in the middle. Yeah. In other words, when Adam and Eve  got up in the morning, had their breakfast, and then they went off to work, you know, pruning  trees. And so and guess what they did they walk past the tree. And then at night, at noon,  when they came back for a little nap or something, they had to walk past. Everything that I  did is like, God was sort of saying, Do you want to follow me or don't you want to follow me?  Right, right? Because if you want to follow me, I'll want it to be your choice. Right? Not  because you didn't have any other option. Right? So God gives them a choice, and they fall  into sin. Now part of it, we don't understand how do you when you have everything you're  living in paradise? Why would you fall for anything? You know, my wife and I were doing  devotions the other day, and there was this, you know, covetousness with which is idolatry,  you know, and we're looking at that from the Apostle Paul. And so we were both talking, well,  maybe that's what it was. They they didn't really, they were coveting God likeness. Yes. And  which then Paul says which is idolatry, you know, Augustine's that is pride. There's various  theologians to analyze, you know, in some ways, they had everything. But they wanted more.  Yeah. And doesn't that sound like people today can have everything, but you always want  more. So we don't quite understand that. But what we do know they have Adam and Eve did  two things after sin came into the world, they disobeyed God. And two, they did two specific  things. Well, Genesis 3:17, 19. To Adam, he said, Because you have listened to your wife and  ate from the tree about which I've commanded you, you must not eat of it, Cursed is the  ground because of you, through your painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life, it  will produce thorns and thistles for you and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow, you will eat your food until you return to the ground since from it you were taken  to dust you are into dust you shall return. So this is actually the curse that was given to  humans. And part of that was also a childbearing thing. So it was a huge thing. But you're  reflecting on something that we didn't put here. And that was like, what did they do after they fell? Yes, they did two specific things, by all means, get your Bible out. And let's go back to  Genesis because I think it shows you where we're at today. The two same things. That what  happened after Sin came into the world, the first thing that happened is, Adam and Eve could  no longer look at each other as their nakedness. So they hid hid from each other. Okay.  Second thing they did, when God came to the garden, and you know, God would walk with  them every day, and they hid from God. So the two things they did when sin came into the  world is they hid from each other. And then when God came around the hid from God, and we  see that as the effects of sin today, the brokenness between people, the brokenness and  marriages, the brokenness and family horizontal relation broken the horror it countries at war, political parties, race situations, or you know, so we see the broken, two people know, what  do people really want, they want closeness, they want a marriage that works their garden,  families, they want community, right, so what do we have broken? Then there's a relationship  to God, right? So we want to be connected to God, we want to be connected to whatever is  big and important. Where are people they're hiding from God, they're choosing other gods  there. You know, when God comes around, they ignore them. They, they they don't want to  deal with, they feel guilty. There's still Hiding. And so we see the effects of sin ever since. And  then God comes to his people. And he says, I'm going to give you a 10 commandments.  Remember what those 10 were? There's two tables, the first table was love God. In other 

words, how do you have a relationship with God? The second table of the commandments is  how to deal with the people around you. Okay, that's what we lost. Right? So some people  look at Christianity as a bunch of laws of religion. You know, God's laws are really  commanding people what they had in the first place, what they want, we want to get to God.  We want good relationships with people. Right? And so the very thing that we had the very  thing that we want, we lost in the fall. You know, and in thinking about ministry, and you're  here for ministry, training We are ministers of reconciliation, right? We are ministers of  reconciliation in the vertical. So we know God created this amazing world. But we also know  that we are fallen people. And you see that in Genesis if you do what is right, will you not be  accepted, but you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at the door, it desires to have you,  but you must master it. If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is  not in us. So here we are, Steve where you know fallen creatures. And yet through the grace  of God in Jesus Christ, were ministers of reconciliation. So with, you know, without this next  piece that we look at, we were like stuck in a movie. That is nothing but failure and disaster.  So you notice that most movies have this salvation piece? Yes, the hero has to show up or  against all odds, somebody has to go do something to save the day. And all these movies are  just copying the theme that we find right here in the Bible. Right? You know, we're, you know,  through Jesus, it's interesting, you said, either the horizontal, we have this brokenness  horizontally, we have this brokenness vertically. And we're called to be ministers to bring, you  know, reconciliation this way. And this way, and if we put those two together, if the cross,  what do we get a cross the gospel, it's the gospel, that's, that's how we get reconciled to God. That's how we get reconciled to the peoples from around them. Yeah. So we get reconciled  with God. And then we can be used as ministers, to bring reconciliation to people. Romans  10:9, that if you confess with your mouth, Jesus, Lord, and believe in your heart, that God  raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For as with your heart, that you will believe and  are justified, and as with your mouth, that you confess, and are saved. So this is a point by  which we come to the tree of life, Jesus Christ, I am the Way the Truth and the Life. And the  way to that is by acknowledging your fallenness, acknowledging the brokenness, with your  spouse, with your family, with the people around you, acknowledging that you've been hiding  from God, and then bringing that acknowledgment to Jesus, who then takes that and forgives  you and presents you before the Father, whole and spotless, so we become new people. And  then he gives us a spirit, so that we can actually be agents of reconciliation. Now, I think it's  probably appropriate. I mean, we're a ministry, training school, Christian Leaders Institute, if  you have not acknowledged that you are broken, if you have not confess your sin to Christ,  you're dependent on him. Don't go into ministry, right? Because you'll be phony, right? And  this is a religion as some people think, well, Christianity is law. So we're just going to live laws, but it is the heart. If you confess with your mouth, that Jesus Lord and believe in your heart,  you will be saved, and what happens and you will be mobilized for ministry. But it's not  mobilized for ministry. In fact, there's been stories in the Bible where people were doing  ministry for False motives, and it destroyed themselves. And then there's so many of us, as  you know, people, ministers who are trying to make a difference, if we haven't accepted the,  you know, God's wholeness that he offers to us in our, in our own lives, if I haven't been  reconciled to my wife, or if I ever recognize reconciled to my bad parenting or whatever, I've  run to my children. And that will be phony baloney, trying to help somebody else's marriage.  I'll be like lying. I'll be you know, if I don't even have my own family, that I've done what I can  and I've tried to live a Christ like life if I offered my apologies to you know about being the  best parent in the world, to my own kids, and how in the world I'm going to help another  family get their act together. So that's that horizontal and the vertical. So are we right with  God? Are we right? With each other? Have we made amends when we can and I know that  sometimes not everything works out. But you are starting at this point, but we are doing what we can. Right now. I'm in just offer a little prayer. And for many of the people who start to lie,  Steve is really interested, we have a little survey and many of them are ready to pray that  Christ goes into the heart, but they haven't even done it yet. So let's have a little prayer. And  then if that's you pray long enough, you already are in a newer evolved. And you've done that before that just pray with me, for others at Christian Leaders College and Institute that are 

coming in, as pray, Oh, Lord, we acknowledge even those who are ready, have it received you in our heart, we acknowledge that we are sinners. And we acknowledge that we need you as  our Savior. We are broken the wrath of God out of the place. But we ask Lord Jesus, that you  come into our heart, if it's the first time or if we're already with you, they renew renew us. We  ask that you fill us with your Holy Spirit. We receive the gospel promise, that as sure as you  died on the cross to save us from our sin we take, we receive your salvation. When you look  at us, God in Christ Jesus, you see us as redeemed, renewed, reborn, as some of the  metaphors are placed in the Bible, but in the heart, Lord. And Lord, we promise that we will  live for you. We ask your Holy Spirit to fill us. We are saved, we are renewed, not in ourselves. We promise to live for you. And when we do ministry, to be a minister that glorifies you and  all we do. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen. So really, that's the simple seed. But but it  changes really everything. And that's what's so exciting, is now it's in eternity, right? Like  foolishness to the world in many ways, right? Like how one moment in time, one heart  changed. Now makes this true from Philippians 3:20, but our citizenship is in heaven. And now we eagerly await a Savior from their the Lord Jesus Christ. You know, you talk about eternity,  you hear the phrase, well, you know, 100 years a small matter. Like if we have some trial or  something, and you know, ever nervous. Yeah. But it is true that eternity is now ours. And  what's what's interesting to me is, even people that don't believe in Christianity, like like, right now, I watched some some Netflix thing about going to Mars and Elon Musk is. And it's like,  because our future our destiny is not on this planet. Because this, the sun will burn out one  day, and then everything will go extinct on this planet. And so if we're going to have humanity live on, we got to get off this planet, right? Step one is to get to Mars. And so all that this  whole thing is talking about purpose and vision, and the future, and acting like there's some  future for all of us. Right? There's no future for any of us. Right, that are alive today. Right? In  this sense of will humanity goes on? Well, that's not you and me. I whatever humanity is, you  and I will be gone? Or our ad was part of the grass and will eventually part of this earth that  freezes over when? Yeah, so but but people so desperately want to have a forever future.  Yeah. Even when even the people will live. It is forever. Yeah. The Titanic movie, yeah, my  heart. Forever, you know this, so this whole thing. So, so then I am reminded of that verse in  the Bible where it says, you know, he has put eternity in the hearts of men, including I believe that eternity is put in the hearts of men, and that's why people seek out purpose even. And I  think that's why a lot of our world is depressed, and they're trying to find purpose in these  temporary things. But everyone knows this is a temporary thing. So at the end of the day,  they're kind of discouraged and depressed, right, but we eagerly wait our Savior He's coming  back. Right? You don't have a negative view that everything. No, he is coming back. Yeah, we  don't understand we'll all about that mean, but we have been changed to inside. And now  we're connected to this eternal God rest. And you know, we hear in II Corinthians that he is  the positive, the Holy Spirit that's already a deposit guaranteeing what is to come. And I  guess that brings implications to our Christian worldview that move us into a new reality. So  what are the implications? Do you are a new new person through the Holy Spirit? Wow,  Galatians 5:22 to 26. But the fruit of the spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,  goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Against such things, there is no law, those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature, just like Jesus was crucified our  sinful nature of crucified with his passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep  in step with a spirit. Let us not become conceited provoking, and envying each other. What  does that mean to you, Steve? I, you know what, when I hear all these words, it sounds like  purpose to me. That's good. Like, right? Like, my life has purpose. If it without the eternity  piece. We're just faking purpose. And it's hard to sustain faith, purpose, right? I mean, when  you hit an obstacle and you get discouraged, their marriages fall apart, or family issues or  whatever struggle or health issues. It's like, it takes a hit on you, right. But when you're a new person in Christ that will last forever. What I do today, every person that I meet has eternal  significance and eternal consequences. What I'm doing with my children is not just for this  time, or that they get a successful career and meet somebody and get married. We're talking  about my family forever and eternity. And the things I do are things I don't do make an eternal difference. Which means every day I get out is important and stuff to do. And it doesn't 

matter what issues that I'm facing, they all are important. I'm not just, you know, passing  time or wasting time on our brains with the next application. Now we think things, eternal  positive perspective, the II Corinthians 4:17, for our low light, momentary troubles, are  achieving even the trouble themselves are achieving for us, an eternal glory that far  outweighs them. All right, so it gives you perseverance. If you have this eternal perspective,  then whatever you're going through today, against the face of eternity, yeah, I can do that. I  can I can get through this. Right, you know, with what's at stake? And what's in store for me?  Yes, I can do this. Wow. And then the circle comes right back around, become a minister of  reconciliation. I mean, really, all of this is from God, who reconcile us to Himself through  Christ. So there's the vertical, and gave us the ministry of reconciliation that God was  reconciling the world horizontal to himself vertical. Not counting men's sins men set men's  sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation in that that's the minister. Minister. That's what the Minister is. And you can be you don't have to be a full time  minister. You don't have to be an ordained minister. Right? You can be a part time minister,  and you can be a Volunteer Minister, if right here on this planet, and God has called you to  make a difference in the lives of the people around you. Guess what you are? Minister?  Minister, you are. And that is what Christian Leaders College and Institute and Alliance is all  about. It's about mobilizing more of you. More ministers. You know, you get a look at our  doctrinal statements. And all of those things that we're going to go further but really in the  essence of what we're talking about. It's really to be ministers of reconciliation. So now at all  this training. So now you are going to be part not just of the role of ministers, but you're  getting in the game for something, okay. This training you watch will happen to you in the  next several classes through the next couple years or months or whatever, you're with us.  You're going to start Seeing that there is a cosmic battle going on, there is in you have a roll  for the light, you're the light of the world. So you're gonna find some you're in a fight. So the  fourth implication of this is battle for the truth through love. Which, by the way, every movie  that you watch, if there's some battle, yawn, all these things are just copying this story that  the Bible reveals, right, Isaiah 30:21, whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, this is the way Wow. Ephesians 4:15 and 16, then we will no  longer be infants tossed back and forth by the wave blowing here and thereby every wind of  teaching by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking  for truth and love, we will in all things grow up into him, who is the head that is Christ. That  the reason why your decision to step into this educational world is so important is because  there is going on today in our world. A huge battle. Yes, there is. There is what's the truth, we  we live right now and what they call the information age, it could maybe be called the  misinformation age, right? We have information, but no one knows what is true, right? You can go to the internet and search anything but you're gonna find one story, really smart people  saying this. And then you you're gonna find other smart people saying the exact opposite.  And there you are going. Right. Right. From from politics, to race to country, to philosophies to science to it, you can pick any topic you want, right? And where's the truth behind these  topics? is a worldview that they're not often telling you about old times, I told you, you know,  and we want to be transparent God created the world, He redeemed in Jesus Christ. And the  Bible is the revelation from God in Jesus Christ is everything right? And we need the truth.  One of the things I love are some of the Bible study tools that you put together, Steve, the  years of the book of Acts, because we need to be ministers who are studying the Word and  help others study the word. Because this is all amazing and real. There's a major warfare,  there is light and darkness. There's an eternity. There's the gospel to go over the whole world. Right now, the truth is being sold. Yes. Okay. So the Bible comes along and says, is the truth  for free? Yes. Okay. But the world right now is selling the truth. Yeah. Because every fee is  generally paid for by somebody who wants to sell you something. Right. So do you think  they're giving you an unbiased version of something? No, right? They're trying to get you to  believe something go in a certain direction. I watched a movie the other day, and they said,  what's going on in our world today? For example, Wikipedia, you know, we can. So if I go to  Wikipedia, and I look something up, and you go to Wikipedia and look something up, we're  gonna read the same thing. Right? Okay. Well, what if we do pedia you know, had a 

logarithms, that when I look up something, it gives me what someone is paying for to get me  to believe something. And when you look at that same thing, someone else is paying to steer  you in a totally direction that we're looking up the exact same thing and they're not telling  you the worldview. Right, the bias by which they are Yes. So that's what's going on in our  world rather. Segmentation, right? So we're being sold somebody is version of the truth for  someone's gain. Right? Well, it's that revelation of the passage toward I believe it's 19 that  goes like this, all the merchants of the earth, you know, they're going forward and then end  with one phrase in there selling the bodies and souls. Right, and that, wow. So there we are. In we are ministers of reconciliation because we know that something is broken. And we want to  be part of the gospel of salvation of hope. Right. So how do we know, in a way that this is the  truth? Right? I mean, everyone's saying, you know, this is the way and walk in it. Right? How  do you know that this is the way that you should walk into it. And this is, you know, if you if  you haven't given your life to Christ, right, this is where I would say, taste and see. Right?  Walk, walk it and see if you've never read the Bible, start there and study and see a life. You  know, let's say you're not sure you know, you prayed before that was good. I don't know, if I  felt anything I love I want to do it. Fine. Right? Take some classes, right? Taste and taste and  see if God is good, right? And, you know, if, you know, we can tell, we can testify our own  experience, right? How God has showed up, you know, God, God isn't just going to convince  you by some logic thing, God is actually going to show up in your life heart, your life, things  will happen. So right now, let's say you're not sure you're taking these classes. Pay attention,  because God is going to somehow show up in your life, I don't know how, or when, or why or  what how it's going to be. But he's going to show up in your life. And he's going to reveal  Himself to you. And, but also the devil will, so you start taking these classes. And next thing  you know, you're going to nightmare. Seriously, we've heard about where all this stuff  happens. Now, you may conclude, stop your classes, so I can go back to normal. While we're  what we're telling you is that you will never go back to normal, because you just would have  touched the divine. Because he is for you. Well, even these struggles are evidence that  something's going on. Right? I mean, if the devil shows up in your life, that means there's  something going on? Yes. And then you now become a target, right? So I thought this was an  amazing journey. And I'm kind of sad to finish this class. Class keeps renewing me to just think about my own habits. These are my own, like time management issues. God is always is God  in my schedule, or is my schedule in the will of God, I love my schedule in the will of God. So  in some ways, I guess for saying is, you may feel like you're at the beginning of some journey, and you've got a long ways to go. But what we're saying is around the same church, and the  same journey where it was, it's a, it's a, we're all really all we're all in this together. That's why we're called the body of Christ. Right. And you'll enjoy reading our faith statement. It's right  there. And you can read in detail, the specific theological beliefs that we have. And that will  then cover all of the teachings but we wanted today to just to give you that essence, that God has revealed Himself to us in creation in they called general revelation. But we have more  than that. We have special we have the Bible tells us about the truth about our condition in  about the condition of humanity. But we also have the solution, the joy of salvation, the  Savior, the renewer, the Holy Spirit poured out. We look forward to resurrection. You all of  that, and we look positively at this earth and a minister. Yeah, that's right. We are all about  minister. And we aren't that minister, like all the ministers who just out there now. It's like,  yeah, we are ministers of a new covenant of ministers of reconciliation. So we're glad that  you've joined our brigade, and that God has a plan and a purpose and may He bless you, as  you take that next step in that journey, to be a minister of reconciliation.

Last modified: Thursday, January 20, 2022, 10:10 AM