Student Development Program

The CLC Student Development program meets the following purpose and goals:

Purpose: To enrich our students’ lives spiritually, physically, emotionally, intellectually, and socially.


1. [Spiritual] For our students to grow in their relationship with Christ and biblical knowledge. Advance further each of our students’ spiritual formation.

2. [Physical] For our students to increase their personal health, family health and help them develop good habits as they serve the Lord.

3. [Intellectual] For our students to further develop their intellectual knowledge and skills both in ministry and general Christian life and skills.

4. [Emotional] For our students’ emotional well-being to thrive as they study at CLC and to also support and advise them in their educational journey.

5. [Social] For our students to be connected to a global Christian community and to socially develop a deep, rich community of Christian encouragement and growth.

CLC provides the following components of the Student Development program available to all students.

Spiritual - we want all our students to have healthy Seven Connections - These are the seven key relationships in each person’s life. 

  1. God - Christian Leaders Planner and Devotional, Chapel, Jesus Bible 

  2. Spouse or close family member or friend if unmarried - Christian Leaders Planner, Marriage Bible Study book by Steve Elzinga

  3. Children/Family - Christian Leaders Planner, Chapel 

  4. Small Groups - groups of friends and fellow believers - Christian Leaders Planner, Prayer Chaplains, Mentor Centers. 

  5. Local Church family - Chapel, Christian Leaders Planner, Zoom Conference in Local areas 

  6. Church Kingdom – Family Believers - CLI Prayer Group, Christian Leaders Planner, Christian Leaders Network. 

  7. World – the Lost - Christian Leaders Planner, Missional Apologetics book by Dr. Feddes (Available to students in CLI Store


  1. Christian Leaders Church Student Chapel - We partner with a church in Florida that provides a chapel for students to worship, hear the Word of God, and fellowship together on Youtube Live on the Haborside Christian church Clearwater channel. 

  2. Christian Leaders Devotional and Planner - daily devotional and bible reading plan as well as planner for the year. Each dapo0y of the week has a bible passage to read as well as a question. Then we have a section for them to write their prayer requests. Each day has them focus their prayer on one of the seven connections. Learn more about the Planner: 

  1. CLI Prayer Group - This is a Facebook group where students share their prayer requests and other prayer warrior students pray for these requests. Link to Facebook Group:

  2. Prayer Chaplains - if a student doesn’t have Facebook or need a more personal request that they do not want to share publicly. We have volunteer leaders who will take private prayer requests and mentor them in what they are seeking with prayer. Email is 


Goal - To bring connection and growth for our students in the following areas: 

  1. Personal health - Christian Leaders Connections, Christian Leaders Planner, Total Fitness, Mini-courses on personal health.

  1. Family health - Christian Leaders Planner, Extra book resources in CLI Store ( Mini-courses on family health.

  2. Develop healthy habits which includes good time management and study habits. For the student to experience enriched personal and family health as well as have good Christian habits. - Total Fitness, Mentor Centers, Local Mentors, Mini-courses on health lifestyle habits.

Activities – 

1. Christian Leaders Connections (this course is the second course we requi re students to take because we want them all to develop healthy connections to Christ, their spouse, family, friends, small groups, church, kingdom and world. As we have said all their healthy connections must be rooted in Christ. This is so foundational t o all of CLC. We also highly encourage students take our Total Fitness course. It goes over spiritual health, emotional health, financial health, physical health and mental health. 

2. Our 2022 Christian Leaders Planner will help our students develop a health y connection with God and family particularly. We feel it is so important students are growing in their own homes and fostering healthy habits like consistently reading the Bible, praying and doing this repeatedly. 

3. Mentor Centers and Student’s local mentors (Students host a local training session for students can come to get access to the internet for their courses and it is set up like a Bible study where the students can share what they are learning and discuss topics). This helps them to have accountabi lity and healthy habits in their studies

4. Mini-courses are adult education course that can be completed in 1-5 hours and cover practical skills and topics that benefit the student’s physical well-being.


Goal - For our students to further develop their intellectual knowledge and skills both in ministry and general Christian life and skills as they study at CLC. We want to see our students reach the outcome of further study even outside their CLC courses wh ich is also developing them intellectually. These below activities provide a place where the students can find opportunities to further develop their intellect abilities. 

Activities – 

1. Mentors/Mentor Ministers (We ask each student finds a mentor to guide them in their studies. To be able to answer the intellectual questions that come up as they study and to review their sermons, for example.) 

2. Teacher Assistants (Some courses have volunteers who will answer any study questions they have in the course to he lp the student grow in their intelligence), 

3. Theological and Bible Study books ( We have in our CLI store books by our various professors for a student to study beyond their course content) and 

4. Extra resources in our courses (We have in a lot of our course s links to read further on the content provided or material they can read which is optional and just for their intellectual growth).

5. Mini-courses are adult education course that can be completed in 1-5 hours and cover practical skills and topics that intellectually grow the students outside of courses for college credit.


Goal - To support and better our student's emotional well - being alongside their studies. Also, to advise and counsel them as they journey at CLC. 

Activities – 

1. Christian Leaders News (a weekly news report that shares testimonies, important updates, and scripture encouragement, and more), 

2. Congratulations Team (we have a dedicated volunteer who personally congratulates each student who earns an award, certificate, Diploma, or Degree), 

3. Motivational Monday (devotionals sent through email to our students to support them emotionally), 

4. Customer service support (We have constant support button on every page of CLC in order for the students to receive as quickly to receive counsel and guidance in their studies). We also, have many other staff and volunteers who give guidance and advisement in their roles like Mentor Ministers, Teacher assistants, Feedback and Welcome email. 

5. Zoom Conferences in nations/states (Various vo lunteer nations will host zoom gathering for the students to connect, share their testimonies and be encouraged in their walk).


Goal - For our student body to feel connected with a wider body of Christian leaders across the globe. To develop a deep, rich community of Christian encouragement and growth. We seek to develop a vibrant community among the students. This connects our stu dents as Kingdom leaders. Activities – 

1. Christian Leaders Network (Our private CLI network for students to connect with other students enrolled at CLI and CLC), 

2. Whatsapp Nations/States groups (Volunteer teams have WhatsApp group that the students communi cate together daily and weekly supporting each other), 

3. Christian Leaders Institute Advocates group (We have a Facebook group where students can post their accomplishments, questions, sermons and more we see the students) and previously mentioned we have a prayer group too which encourages a community of social prayer support. 4. Facebook page (This is where they can get official updates and posts from us) Facebook Prayer Group 

5. Youtube (This is where we post news and other videos of connection) 

6. In-person Student Gatherings (Events are held by local leaders in different countries students get informed by email and news about events by their location this connects them to each other in person). Yearly convention held to for students to attend. 

Остання зміна: понеділок 1 серпня 2022 13:02 PM