Henry - So, this has been a very enjoyable class to do together and to reflect on so many  topics. This last one is actually one of my favorite. I mean, because this is where, as a  minister as a ministry officiant as a life coach, Minister, the thing that we bring to the table and we can do it is part of our whole message is we're people of prayer, and we can help people  pray about their problems. And, you know, sex therapists on there really start or being close to meeting with prayer, no Christian, one may do it, or they may not. But our whole premise is  the power of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit. So let's talk about officiating sexual  healing.  

Pam - Write a prayer to share, ask God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be specific about the  problem we're asking God's help for include confession or a statement of personal  responsibility, ask for healing in an instance or over time, maybe include a scripture and end  with in Jesus name. So  

Henry - there's a pattern that whatever problem is, and we're gonna give you lots of samples.  You can help someone pray a prayer that very specific to that problem that they are asking  the Lord to heal them from, right. And there's a lot of topics, but they're sort of back to this,  you know, use you begin by addressing God, Father, Son, or holy and Holy Spirit or less  sometimes pray to Jesus, sometimes to the Holy Spirit, be specific about the problem or ask  for, they don't have to be that long, include confession or statement of responsibility, heal ask  for healing. Now instant over time is scripture in that you just keep on going here. It's good to  repeat.  

Pam - it twice. It's very good ceremony of renewed sexual pledge.  

Henry - Okay, we are committed to each other since the higher we  

Pam - committed to each other marriage,  

Henry - I'll say this, okay, I believe is good for me to give my soul body and spirit to you, my  dear. I made a covenant my eyes, my mind, my soul and my will my spirit and my body. But I  will do my utmost in my power to cherish and honor you. And your booty without comparison  to any other woman. I confess that I have not lived up forward to that pledge, but I renew my  commitment to you as my wife, to be one with you and soul, body and spirit. There is an  example where this is a pledge. If you're not, it's not a prayer right here. But you're still using  that sort of formula where one another or the wife?  

Pam - Yeah, I believe it is good for me to give my soul body and spirit to you, my dear. I make  a covenant with my eyes, my soul, my mind, my will my spirit and my body, that I will do the  utmost in my power to cherish and respect you and your strength without comparison to any  other man. I confess that I may have not fully lived up to that pledge, but I renew my  commitment to you as my husband to be one with you in soul body and spirits. Okay,  

Henry - so one of the things officiants do is they help people repeat vows. So this is an  example or you can help someone write a vow, an offer we don't think about about specific for sexual intimacy, but why not write it because it's such an important area and yet is an area  where and I think of like getting over some of the troubles that we have. A vow in this area  would be very good to remind ourselves or restate that vow over time. So anyway, that's 

Pam - all right, revoking immorality and evil soul ties acknowledged immoral and evil soul ties  are loyalties that have created soul conflict between each other. Mark 3:24 The kingdom is  divided against itself that kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself that house  can.  

Henry - Here's a now you can help them say a prayer. Maybe they even said the prayer after  you. If this is an area where you find there is soul ties and you want to address them.  

Pam - Right. Lord Jesus, I confess that I have allowed my sexuality to come under the  influence of sin or satanic ties. I I ask you to forgive me. They asked you to restore me to  good favor with you and others. Give me discernment when Satan or sin seek to attack me in  the future, I aligned my gender and sexuality with you and your design for me, heal me and  Restore to me the joy of your salvation in Jesus name, amen.  

Henry - This something that can be shared at a singles retreat. Right? That, you know, you  can start using your bands in  

Pam - different areas. Right? Yeah. So, prayers to overcome sexual injury. Mark 11:25. And  when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him so that your Father  in heaven may forgive you your sins.  

Henry - So this could be something that can be done at the end of sort of a counseling  session or something like that.  

Pam - Right? You would say to them, repeat after me, Lord Jesus, I've been injured or abused by blank Will was I do not want to harbor unforgiveness, I want to grow it in it blessed  sexually, sexuality created for me by you. I asked you to help me forgive blank as you forgave me, my sin, I asked you to at once or over time, restore my sexual innocence and my healthy  sexual capacity. I receive your physical spiritual, emotional and sexual healing in Jesus name, amen. Beautiful. First to forgive a cheating spouse. Lord Jesus, my spouse has cheated on  me helped me to forgive that offense now that it has come to the surface. Okay, so  

Henry - here's let's go back to that earlier thing. So you know, address the Lord. You know,  and but now we're you have a specific problem, that we're addressing that your  

Pam - bringing before the Lord, yes,  

Henry - right now, additional problems. Give me discernment I want my ears over, or  restoration as possible,  

Pam - helped me to take responsibility for any injury I have created that may have contributed to the affair. I know that this does not minimize the injury done to me but I want to grow to be  more whole in my ability to love and give sexual intimacy in marriage. I humbly ask you to  restore our marriage and make it even better or if it is not to be restored. Help us receive your grace and healing in Jesus name. Amen.  

Henry - Prayer to be healed from pornography addiction. Lord Jesus, I confess, confess I  have seen and enjoyed storied depictions of sexual intimacy helped me to see the vanity  abuse and sinful poison it is and how it hurts me and others I love Forgive me, heal me and 

the instance over time, help me be accountable and transparent. Heal my brain of the injury  porn has done to me, helped me to desire, marriage intimacy, without lusting after others.  Give me back the joy that comes from being saved by you. Give me a spirit that obeys you.  That'll keep me going on a path to spiritual wholeness. In Jesus name I pray, amen. So,  again, you can help people. And you know, it's a prayer that addresses these broken areas in  our lives.  

Pam - Prayer for sexual renewal. This one do together. Lord Jesus, help us open up to new  possibilities for our sexual wholeness and giving to each other, keep us from getting stuck,  how it was to grow in our sexual intimacy in new and pleasurable ways for both of us, forgive  us, each of us and how we have hurt our marriage intimacy. Help us to forgive each other in  this instance, and over time. Set us on a new course to live out of Song of Songs marriage, in  Jesus name, amen.  

Henry - Well dear it has been a pleasure to say those vows, and a pleasure to share a  journey of encouraging our ministers, and people entrusted in studying this, how to proclaim  that Jesus Christ is Lord over every area of life. So we're excited about what God is doing.  And we're excited about what's going to happen to you as Jesus Christ brings you in healing  and life. Just four. So, with that, let's close in prayer. Lord, we thank you and we praise you for what you have done who you are. And now as we conclude our time in this class we pray that you will bless and keep our ministers our students are active Christians that you will be  glorified. In Jesus name we pray amen.

Última modificación: lunes, 24 de octubre de 2022, 11:55