Grow your confidence, competence, and credibility with Christian Leaders Institute associate or bachelor's degree programs. Experience the academic freedom of a flexible schedule and tuition-free courses. This is a revolutionary option for higher education. 

At Christian Leaders Institute you automatically begin at the Christian Development School where you can earn non-college units of recognition. If you want to join our undergraduate program, you are invited to join our Leadership Excellence school, which has been called Christian Leaders College (this name will be sunsetted within the next six months) 

There are low fees which we call "ministry shares". These ministry shares are associated with the college program at Christian Leader College. They cover the expense of administering the degree programs. There are scholarship and grant programs available for those who are interested in the degree program but do not have the ability to cover the small administrative fees of the degree programs. 

Degree Credentials

The Leadership Excellence School of Christian Leaders Institute grants Associate's and Bachelor's degrees of:

  • Divinity
  • Christian Leadership
  • Chaplaincy

The Christian Leadership Degree also has concentrations or majors available in the following areas: 

  • Christian Philosophy Concentration or Major
  • Church Planting Concentration
  • Women's Ministry Concentration
  • Advanced Biblical Studies Concentration
  • Youth Ministry Concentration
  • Christian Business Major

Accreditation of Christian Leaders Institute

Christian Leaders Institute holds a status candidate status as of Feb. 2024 with the Association for Biblical Higher Education Commission on Accreditation, 5850 T. G. Lee Blvd., Ste. 130, Orlando, FL 32822, 407.207.0808. Candidate status is a pre-accreditation status granted to those institutions that meet the ABHE Conditions of Eligibility and that possess such qualities as may provide a basis for achieving initial accreditation within five years.

Transferring Bachelor's from Christian Leaders Institute into a Masters Program

Degree Graduates of Christian Leaders Institute can apply to the Master’s degree programs of some of our accredited partner institutes. Some institutions also accept individual credit transfers. Learn more here

NOTICE FOR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STUDENTS: Christian Leaders Institute, as part of accreditation standards, must ensure they have the authorization to offer education and/or degrees to students residing in that state. When CLI began accreditation, authorization inquiries were sent out. However, authorization is something that must be regularly reviewed for an institution as state laws may change during that time. Late last year (2022), CLI reached out again to all 50 states regarding authorization or exemption from authorization. As part of this effort, CLI discovered that some states’ authorization process costs would be cost-prohibitive for CLI and/or that some states’ authorization or exemption hinges on whether an institution has governmentally-recognized accreditation.  This means that students residing in those states will be unable to enroll in the Degree Admissions process, earn college credit, or pursue a degree at this time.  Once CLI reaches candidate status, this list may grow smaller as we determine how that status impacts our authorization/exemption status within states that require accredited status. Students residing in the following states will not be eligible for admission to the Leadership Excellence School and its degree programs at this time, but they will be eligible for enrollment at a special program of the Christian Development School that allows students to transfer credits or credentials.  

Here is the list of States that will not currently work with the Christian Leaders Institute degree program:

District of Columbia (cost-prohibitive), New York (cost-prohibitive), New Jersey (cost-prohibitive), Rhode Island (cost-prohibitive), Utah (cost-prohibitive), Kentucky (must be accredited), North Dakota (must be accredited), Nevada (must be accredited), Virginia (must be accredited), Oregon (time-intensive/lengthy documentation process for authorization; CLC will seek authorization, but it will take time), Connecticut (must be accredited), Michigan (must be accredited), Illinois (must be accredited). 

Остання зміна: пʼятниця 17 травня 2024 13:50 PM